Who Cares? Magazine, Volume 3, Issue 18

Friday, May 8, 2009

Drew Peterson* is finally charged with MURDER in the case of 3rd wife Kathleen Savio! Will justice finally be served? Who Cares!

*It took me a minute to remember who this guy was, even though he's been featured twice in this feature. See? Even I don't care enough to remember who's doing what to whom, and I write this drivel.


Karl said...

hmm... I've seen this guy someplace...

Now I remember...

vince said...

Gotta say I care to the extent that if he killed wives number 3 and 4 (and he's still being looked at for 4), it's about damn time.

Janiece said...

Well, that's true.

Nathan said...

Hey Girl, That's some fine drivel yer shovelin'.