I Think I Want to Marry This Young Woman*

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

*Not really. That would make me a bigamist, and we all know that's just wrong.


Anonymous said...

I have freckles on my shoulders (which I rarely expose), but not my face. I guess I can never marry. *sob*

She also tells you How to be a good Creationist. Awesome.

Jim Wright said...

I have to admit that I love girls with freckles, especially redheads. I know it's wrong, but I can't help myself.

neurondoc said...

Jim, too much Heinlein in your impressionable youth?

Jim Wright said...

Doc, that is entirely possible, RAH was a subversive you know.

mfheadcase said...

Bigamy is only wrong if you don't have informed consent from all participants.

You have to listen to me on this: I'm a pope you know.
