Scott Sigler is a Sick Son of a Bitch

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
I'm currently listening to Contagious by Scott Sigler. It's the sequel to the book Infected, which was recommended to me by fellow skeptic and Children's Hospital PICU doctor Joe Albietz.

I enjoyed listening to Infected. It was narrated by the author (as is Contagious), and it's sort of a horror-scifi fusion. Contagious picks up where Infected left off, and it confirms something I strongly suspected when I finished Infected:

Scott Sigler is one sick son of a bitch.

But I mean that in the best possible way.

These books make my skin crawl (literally - if I ever get a rash, I swear I'll be looking to amputate), and Scott's ability to describe icky scenes and physical maladies is really quite striking.

I won't give away anything, because the SmartMan hasn't picked up Contagious yet, but if you enjoy books that make you go, "Ewww!" and cringe and writhe in sympathy, these books are for you.


Random Michelle K said...

That looks.... horrible.


I hate to be scared.

But it looks like a good option for my SiL!

Shawn Powers said...

Dang, "Contagious" was on sale for a buck at the local grocery store, and I didn't grab it. *smacks self*