Happy Anniversary, Apollo 11

Thursday, July 16, 2009

You inspired us.

You defined us.

You showed us what we could do.

You made us understand that our limits are self-imposed.

To the scientists, engineers, technicians and astronauts whose work allowed our race to step foot on another world: Thank you. You humble me. You make me proud.


Jim Wright said...

You're so full of it, Janiece. Nothing humbles a Senior Chief.


But I know what you mean.

Janiece said...

Smart Ass. The Apollo Moon landing should humble even you.

Jim Wright said...

Well, maybe just a little...

Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree more! This is at the top of my list for awe and admiration.

Janiece said...

Welcome, Paula.

I loves me some space technology, that's for sure.

Dr. Phil (Physics) said...

After getting to see the SF movie Moon the other day, I am ready for the fortieth anniversary of Apollo 11 on the Moon.

Dr. Phil