I < 3 Hubble

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I love the Hubble Space Telescope. Some of its images grace the walls of the Big Yellow House, and the wallpaper on my various computers are all Hubble images. I know it's nearing the end of its working life and scientists are now looking toward what the James Webb Space Telescope can teach us. But to me, "space telescope" will always mean "Hubble."

This was shamelessly stolen from my celebrity boyfriend, the Bad Astronomer.


Karl said...

Hey, cool - Brent Spiner narrates :)

Has it been 20 years already? *sigh*

Thanks, Janiece!

Carol Elaine said...

Not only does Brent Spiner narrate, turns out he did so at JPL - while I was only a few buildings away. Which I found out about after the fact through his Twitter feed.

So close...

WendyB_09 said...

Brent Spiner and Hubble images. Squeeeeee!!! The mind boggles.

I have a Hubble wall calendar on my work station wall (think giant cubicle). I try to keep to neutral subjects for the work area and who can argue with those images!!

Almost as good - the rather modernly strange production of Hamlet with Jean Luc Picard & Dr Who that's on PBS right now.

But Hubble is better. Nova has a very nice Hubble history they've been showing this month to celebrate the 20th anniversary.

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Janiece said...