What was the last thing that made you feel like the world was a good place?I could stand to look on the bright side for a change, so I'm taking up his challenge with something that happened this weekend that gave me that feeling.
Boogie the Giant Schnauzer has never been very comfortable with small children. He's never really been around them much, and the fact that they're so much smaller than him is not something he can get his pointy little head around. He's never done anything aggressive towards a child, he's just made it clear that he'd rather not interact with them, thankyouverymuch. So the Smart Man and I have always acted with care when families with small children visit our home.
On Saturday, a dear friend of ours came to dinner with her family, including their two year old daughter. I don't know what it was about their child, but Boogie loves her. He followed her around. He pushed his nose in her face. He tickled her with his cold, wet beard after getting a drink. He spent the evening wagging at her. He wanted to rough-house with her, but we put our foot down on that - he had 70 pounds on her, and we were afraid he'd inadvertently hurt her.
Now, in his dotage, Boogie the Giant Schnauzer has finally decided that little kids make good playmates. Yes, he is a slow learner. Slow but sweet - that's our Boogie.
I <3 Boogie. :)
How the hell did two of the most curmugeonly UCFers end up writing upbeat, cheery posts on the same day?
Get the hell outta my brain, Janiece!
Communist? Please. I am a state worker, a teacher, and a historian of the politics of the Founding Fathers. By current Wisconsin standards that makes me a Minion Of Satan, though with hard work and a little practice I hope to be promoted from Minion to Lackey. The hours are better.
Good for Boogie! It's never too late to learn.
Good for Boogie...The wet beard hug is a for sure sign of acceptence into Boogies world...I speak from experience.
That was lovely and made me laugh!
Welcome, Fusion.
Boogie makes everyone laugh. He's just that kind of dog. :)
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