Ah, Fall...

Tuesday, August 30, 2011
...where a middle-aged Auntie's fancy turns to thoughts of her AWESOME, AWESOME NIECE.

That's right - soon the Smart Man, my Hot Daughter and I will be flying out to points east to meet our AWESOME, AWESOME NIECE for the very first time. Yippee!

So naturally, my Hot Daughter and I have been spending time looking at CARTER'S. And OSH KOSH B'GOSH. Because our AWESOME, AWESOME NIECE will be nothing if not well dressed.

Cute! Cute! Cute!

My Hot Mom will be holding down the fort here at the Big Yellow House along with the Incomparable Boogie™, fierce guard dog extraordinaire. But you'll forgive me if I'm a bit...distracted this week. And if my Labor Day content will be light. Because I'll be holding my AWESOME, AWESOME NIECE. Who is far more important than being a dancing monkey for the Interwebs. I'm sure you understand.


Stacey said...

I'm so happy for you. I know how much fun you are going to have and although I'll miss your missives, I'm sure my homework will console me until your return.

Warner said...

Have to order a computer for one of my two nieces. Should go the older one, it is her year, but her parents aren't sure.

If not her cousin, the kids have no idea there is a schedule here.

They aren't high end, but are fine for high school.

WendyB_09 said...

Pictures or it didn't happen!!

Have fun, I'll be joining the hordes downtown at DragonCon again!

Janiece said...

Wendy, there will be no pictures. My Awesome, Awesome Niece's parents prefer not to have photos of her on the Internet, which I totally respect.

Random Michelle K said...

1) You NEED to get her one of these. http://www.thinkgeek.com/geek-kids/newborn-infant/c754/.

2) This is awesome: http://www.amazon.com/Magica-Clutching-Toy-From-Haba/dp/B0033M22LM/ as is this: http://www.amazon.com/Haba-1249-Baby-Ballino/dp/B0002HYCR8

Anne C. said...

Love those, Michelle!

Janiece, have a wonderful time!

neurondoc said...

Gymboree. I love their baby girls clothes.