Happy Anniversary

Thursday, November 29, 2012
Today is the fifth anniversary of Hot Chicks Dig Smart Men. In the last five years, I've posted to this space 2,266 times and I've had 267,820 unique visitors.

And I've built a small, satisfying online community. I've had the chance to meet some of my readers in meat-space, and they've been as clever, entertaining, and decent in person as they've been here. Thankfully, the troll-fests have been few and far between, and if my community has remained small and intimate compared to other blogs on the Internet, you can assume it's because I like it that way. I like the fact that I "know" my regular commenters, and that they "know" me. I've occasionally written pieces that ended up attracting the whackadoos and the scum sucking asshats that hang around Reddit, and I've decided that keeping my parties small and "invitation only" is a better fit for me and for this space.

Which is not to say that I'm not going to rant periodically, and I may even rant about controversial topics. Just not every day. It's not good for my blood pressure, and it tends to attract the wrong crowd over the long haul.  Pandering to sycophants and militants holds little appeal to me, compared to the often funny, insightful exchanges that have occurred in my comment threads over the years.

Happy Anniversary, Hot Chicks and Smart Men. And thank you for helping me make my blog a place I'm proud to call "home."


Stacey said...

Happy Anniversary! I'm proud to share this home with you and so happy that you've helped me meet a great group of people I otherwise would not have known.

vince said...

Happy Anniversary (or Bloggiversary) my friend!

David said...

Happy Blogday to you! I've enjoyed coming along for the ride. :)

Eric said...

Happy blogiversary!

Megan said...

Happy blogiversary. I'm so glad we "met".

Anne C. said...

Thank you for keeping this blog, my dear. I'm glad you've brought some great people into my circle of acquaintances. Much love. <3

Random Michelle K said...

Happy Blogiversary!

(Throws Calvinball at Janiece and runs away)

IllanoyGal said...

Happy Anniversary. Thanks for allowing me to drop in on occasion and leave what I hope is a pertinent remark for your perusal. I enjoy the calm and quiet and wish you continued success in keeping the blog this way.

Karen said...

Happy Anniversary and thanks for all the entertaining posts. Hope to read many more.

Warner said...

Happy anniversary, glad to be here

JstPam said...

Happy Blogiversary! Thank you for the entertaining reading and Free Shit Fridays!

Beatrice Desper said...

FĂ©licitations! Go, girl!