Link Me Up, Scotty - Booger-Eating Dimwit Edition

Wednesday, August 6, 2014
An excellent article on black women's sexuality and the continuing fight for agency in this group.

Lego finally gets with the program and makes some girl-specific characters that don't cater to sexist tropes. I myself am partial to the chemist.

I've just finished reading Kill Anything that Moves: The Real American War in Vietnam, by Nick Turse. This book is deeply disturbing, and reveals just how far down the rabbit hole troops can go in wartime when there's a profound failure of leadership. That's some shameful shit, right there, and not our country's (or our military's) finest hour.

Once again, an entitled dimwit who draws sexist cartoons has threatened legal action against the feminists who took issue with his "art" and published their criticism on-line. Seriously, Randy Queen. Show some sense and drop it. This will not end well for you, especially if Ken decides to light the Popehat Signal.

I'm reminded of the best advice an attorney can give to their client: Stop talking. No, really - shut the fuck up RIGHT NOW.

White, Republican, male Congressman Mo Brooks accused Democrats of launching a "War on Whites."  Because everyone knows whites are so underrepresented in positions of power and influence in this country. He then claimed that DREAMers (children of illegal immigrants) should not be allowed to serve in the U.S. Armed Forces, because they're not loyal and would then have access to nukes. Mo Brooks: The nutty gift that keeps on giving. And what does this whackadoodle's performance say about the booger-eating dimwits who voted him into office?

Video of the Week: a Capella group Pentatonix in their new video, inspired by the release of the latest Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie.


The Mechanicky Gal said...

Booger Eating Dimwits would be an excellent name for a band.

Warner said...

Not related to the post but 'Kill Anything that Moves, the Real American War in Vietnam" just went on my reading list.

MAW said...

Randy Queen has apparently apologized to Escher Girls and withdrawn his DMCA-based requests:

(still, a totally tool-like thing to do in the first place)

Janiece said...

Thanks, MAW. Good news.