Link Me Up, Scotty - Glass (mostly) Half-Full Edition

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

For those of us who tend to have strong opinions about vaccinations (the greatest medical achievement in the history of the world) and herd immunity: Herd immunity explained with zombies. There is nothing not to love in this comic.

The 2014 Summer Youth Olympics ends tomorrow, and these world class athletes are as dedicated and disciplined as their adult counterparts.

A retired Judge has been sentenced to 30 years in prison because he was "selling" defendants in his courtroom to for profit corporations who own and operate prisons. He took over $1M in exchange for his "tough on crime" attitude and sentencing practices. Hopefully they'll put his sorry ass in Gen Pop. It's the least he deserves.

EM2 Bud Cloud, formally of the USS DEWEY, Pearl Harbor survivor, got to visit his shipmates on  the new USS DEWEY one last time before passing away in Hospice care two weeks later. The current crew of the Dewey treated him right, and then sent him off shipshape and Bristol fashion after his death.

I am so very proud of my brothers and sisters-in-arms for making this such an awesome event for EM2 Cloud and his family. Bravo Zulu, shippies.

Video of the Week: Nickel Creek giving a Tiny Desk Concert at NPR's All Songs Considered. They have a new album out this year after a seven year hiatus. I'll always take more Nickel Creek. Especially when there's lots of mandolin involved.


Random Michelle K said...

<3 Nickel Creek.

I've seen them 3 times live. They are SO FUN.

vince said...

Immunizations FTW! Also, it seems that Rob Schneider is doing a great Jenny McCarthy impression: Rob Schneider's Anti-Vax Crusade Now Enters Alex Jones Territory

Janiece said...

Vince, that wasn't nice. Remember: Glass HALF-FULL edition.

Janiece said...

Also, don't tell NeuronDoc.

Anne C. said...

The explanation with zombies makes it really clear. (Love the Shaun of the Dead references. :D )