Link Me Up, Scotty - Humanity and Tears Edition

Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Humans of New York is an art project where a photographer takes pictures of random strangers in New York City, and then publishes them on his blog, along with their response to a probing question. I've always liked this project, but in the last weeks I've come to love it even more. The author is on a "U.N. Tour" right now, and is now publishing photographs of people in the Middle East. Unlike the corrupt politicians and frothy zealots, these are just people who are trying to live and work in war-torn countries, and their stories break my heart. I think this project should get a Pulitzer.

"As a female engineer, I find my working environment to be completely civil and I'm treated with respect at all times," said no female engineer ever. H/T Ellen, my partner in crime.


In the wake of Robin Williams' suicide, an excellent essay on why the Williams family deserves some damn privacy already. Speaking as a family member who lost a loved one to suicide, the last thing I wanted to hear in the first weeks following Moe's death was judgement on why she chose to end her life and speculation about how she did it. It's none of our business. If people really gave a damn about mental illness in this country, it wouldn't be so hard to get treatment without being stigmatized. So while I'm glad this event has sparked conversation about suicide prevention, the grief of his friends and family is sacred. Let's act like it.

Do you want to know why this fuckstick's comments are so damn offensive? This is why. I know for a fact that our daughter suffered horribly for months before she decided to take her own life. She held off as along as she could, because she knew people loved her and would be devastated by her loss. So keep your klassy komments to yourself about suicide and cowardice, you sanctimonious turd.  H/T Jen.

Video of the Week: It's the promotional video for the "Smile, Bitch!" Training Camp. Because really, what could be worse than a man having his day ruined by seeing a woman's unhappy face? NOTHING, THAT'S WHAT. H/T Rivi.


vince said...

The stupidity and cupidity of Faux News has no limits. Call me not shocked.