During my first year of grief, I really came to appreciate the freedom financial stability brings to my life.
When it became obvious that I was not currently capable of maintaining the travel schedule and intellectual rigor required by my job in the Military Industrial Complex, we had to make some decisions about my career. I needed a job without so much travel, and one that used skills I had used for many years, rather than a new technology that required intense periods of concentration and learning.
The problem, of course, is that such a position bears far more resemblance to the work I was doing 10 years ago than my current career trajectory. Making such a move would almost certainly require that I take a pay cut.
Fortunately, we were in a financial position that allowed us to make this change without having to drastically change our lifestyle. I was able to find a less demanding position, with a good enough salary that we're now building a new house...because neither one of us is particularly interested in continuing to live here.
Today I'm grateful for the combination of luck and work that has given us the financial freedom to allow us to make the changes we require to move forward.
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