I'm a good, GOOD dog. As long as you don't look too closely. |
So the first few months were...challenging.
She's better now, for the most part. Her house manners are excellent (better than Boogie's in some ways, truth be told), and her reactivity has decreased steadily. She's still a head-case when it comes to leash aggression, but we're not sure she'll ever get over that, since we don't know what happened to instigate it.
Mostly, she's just funny. A complete goober, with no sense of dignity or appropriateness. She prefers to be near me whenever possible (that whole "work from home full time" thing), and she keeps me good company. She also gets me out of the house, even on days when I'd really rather not, even though I know it's good for me.
In the last year, I've been grateful for having another dog in my life, even if she does occasionally shed explosively.
Miss Jackson is a cutie. I'm glad she mostly makes you happy. Trygvi is just the same about the appropriateness. Such a change from the wolfie.
Just so, Phiala. Boogs was such stately older gentleman in his later years, we'd forgotten how much ENERGY a strong, healthy youngster has.
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