Remember back in 2010 when we had a horrible experience with Sears Home Repair? Well, it had been over four years since that incident, and we needed to have the oven door repaired after the unfortunate event of my breaking the interior glass on the oven. We decided to give them a try, and I made an appointment on-line for today. Since I'm in San Diego with the Mechanicky Gal, the Smart Man was the one who was dealing with the repair.
No good deed goes unpunished, that's for damn sure.
The repair person was supposed to arrive this morning. When noon arrived, they were a no show, no call, so the Smart Man called the Sears Home Repair service center. The agent indicated that he would the repair person call the Smart Man directly. After thirty minutes more of no show, no call, the Smart Man called the Sears Home Repair and cancelled the appointment. He has a new appointment with a local appliance repair shop to come out and the work.
Apparently we're too soft. We had a terrible experience before, but decided to give them another chance. Our generosity was rewarded with another round of crappy customer service.
Lesson learned: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me, but also shame on you for still having a grossly incompetent service organization.
Moving forward, there will be no more second chances, for anyone. If you fail to meet our expectations, you are gone, without pity, without remorse, but with a big stinking pile of poor customer reviews and public humiliation.
Nice job, Sears Home Repair, for destroying any chance of redemption on the customer service front. You suck just as hard as you did in 2010, and I will now commence to writing my reviews, plural.
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