In a recent study, girls are found to experience more stress than boys when asked to play violent video games. But not for the reason you think. No wonder Miltown addiction was so common before feminism.
H/T Debbie the Librarian
The most hilarious and spot-on review if that piece of shit Gods of Egypt EVER. Scott Woods is my new semi-celebrity platonic boyfriend. The money quote(s):
For the record, I’m going to spoil the shit out of this movie because a) you have no business seeing it even for free, and b) fuck this movie.
This is so much worse than a film filled with white Egyptians because what you end up with is scene after scene of white people literally towering (the gods are all digitally portrayed as being over nine feet tall) over masses of brown and black people, worshipped as divine and omnipotent beings. It was like seeing a bar chart of power dispersion on a slave plantation. All the whites loom and soar and speak, while all of the non-white people bend and work and worship at their feet.Also? Chadwick Boseman should have known better.
Ex-CIA Chief notes that much of Donald Trump's campaign language would constitute unlawful orders were he to try and execute on his desires from the Oval Office. Because planning on becoming a war criminal before you're even elected is the new Republican platform.
A stunning photography project surrounding self-love and the role our bodies play in that love. Non-titillating nude photography, so probably NSFW if you work for an uptight company.
A breakdown of Super Tuesday, and why margins matter. I'll be caucusing this evening with the Democrats, even though I self-identify as an Independent. As a friend noted over on Facebook,
To me, this one is the more important day than November, because whoever wins the Dem nom is whoever I will vote for then. I really hope the Republican Party finishes imploding before the next election so that a second rational party can finally come into existence and start putting up candidates worth serious consideration again.________
Video of my Heart: Trumped, brought to you by Jimmy Kimmel:
HI! The link to the GOds Of Egypt review is broken? Could you re link?
Hugs (if you want them) from another grieving but surviving parent
Hi John. Nice to "see" you again.
Thanks for letting me know about the link - it's fixed.
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