This narrative about what it's like to be a morbidly obese passenger on an airplane broke my heart. As a former frequent flyer, I have struggled with my own failure of compassion when being crowded out of my seat by an obese seat-mate. This usually happens when I'm extremely tired, or cranky, or having uncontrolled anxiety. And then I feel terrible about it for weeks after, with no way to apologize for my inner thoughts and feelings.
H/T Debbie the Librarian
Photographs of Svalbard. I would love to visit this place.
The Bloggess' rules on social media etiquette. Because nothing says "well reasoned and emotionally balanced human being with a healthy sense of proportion" like this:
If strangers online disagree with you, devote your day to yelling at them and getting everyone you know to yell at them as well. Don’t just unfollow them. Track them down and destroy them. Put your entire life on hold to focus on all-caps fights with them. It’s pretty much the written equivalent of public scream-crying and people fucking LOVE that.________
The Virginia Tech Basketball Coach decided that the young men who played for him needed a little lesson in humility.
H/T Sister Jenn
This woman's open letter to the people who helped her in the worst moment of her life is haunting me.
I have to go to the dentist 4 times a year, and thankfully our family dentist is trustworthy. Because damn.
The myth of gender equality.
I once read a horror story that has refused to leave my brain, about a dental visit.
In the story, the dentist wasn't actually a dentist but a madman who was in the office on a Saturday.
I've always comforted myself with the fact that a *real* dentist wouldn't do that.
Now, I will never be okay ever again.
(considers throwing up)
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