Link Me Up, Scotty - Are You Fucking Kidding Me Edition

Thursday, March 24, 2016

A good description about why so many women engage in Bitch Face when in public spaces that contain men who are strangers to them. The money quote: matter what I accomplish or how self-assured I am feeling, the aforementioned dickhead bouncers of the world will still believe they have a right to demand my time and attention, even when I want to be alone.
And I would add: They often also think they have the right to touch me without my permission, and that my refusal to be touched is indicative of a problem with me, rather than a problem with them.

It's time to close the TSA. Yes. $7 billion worth of security theater is money better spent elsewhere. Anywhere, in fact.

The Smithsonian's Annual Photography Contest winners.

Do you job, Republican Senators. Because I'm pretty sure "I don't feel like it" would not be an acceptable reason in any of the jobs I've ever had.

H/T Brother Steve

Sarah Palin is going to have her own courtroom based reality show. Yeah. I've sworn off politics for the moment, so I'll just leave that right there.

A woman talks about the need to share without shame the pain of suicide loss. I will not be silenced on this issue. My baby girl died of mental illness, and framing the conversation in those terms leads to solutions and help, while shame leads to worse outcomes for everyone.