2010 Flower Pr0n, Edition the Third

Sunday, May 2, 2010
Today we went to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, one of my favorite places on earth, with the Fabulous Stacey and the equally Fabulous JR. After perusing the "Body Worlds" exhibit and watching the Hubble IMAX film, we walked around to the park, where I took these with my cell phone. I decided to use them for Flower Pr0n, because quite frankly, nothing is blooming here at the Big Yellow House with the exception of the Lonely Tulip™.


The Mechanicky Gal said...

Isn't that Body Worlds Uh-MAZING!! Mom and I went to see it in Philly. Didn't quite get the uproar from some folks about it being a "desecration" or whatever. You have to pay to see it so don't see it if it offends.....
At any rate, it was really great to see those with fakey joints. Mom (who is bionic) and I (who is on the way to being bionic) really were able to get a good long look at just what it is they do inside there.

Janiece said...

I don't get the uproar either (says the woman who plans on donating her body to science).

We enjoyed it the first time we saw it, and again yesterday, but I don't know if we'll go again if it comes back. Twice is probably enough.

And how cool would it be if you really WERE BIONIC?

mom in northern said...

Bionic...I have started.
Total Bionic?
Only if I could keep my own mind.
Hate to have to learn all the hard stuff over again. :-(

mom in northern said...

Go back to the park later in the summer and get an "after" picture of the flower beds.

The Mechanicky Gal said...

Except being bionic is a real hassle at the airport.

Carol Elaine said...

I have no problem with Body Worlds. Curious as I am, I couldn't attend myself, as dead bodies give me the heebie jeebies (not good with funerals at all). But the cadavers that are used in Body Worlds are legally and ethically obtained, which is fine with me.

Some of the knock-offs, however, appear to be not so ethical in the getting of the bodies (i.e. BODIES...The Exhibition). Those are the ones I have issues with.

Anne C. said...

I'm pretty much on the same boat as CE. I'm curious about how the body works, but am icked out by the idea of interacting with someone's dead body (even with their permission). No moral objection here, just one that's a little superstitious.