Knitting my Way to Salvation

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Okay, not really. Knitting for charity isn't such a redemptive experience that it's going to lead me to salvation (even if I was inclined to such ideas).

But I do knit a lot of pieces - I find that since I quit smoking (almost ten years ago, now), I need something productive to do with my hands, and knitting fits the bill. Which presents a problem - the simple fact of the matter is that I do not have enough family members or friends to wear and use all the crap I knit, so I had to find a home for this stuff.

Enter the Longmont Senior Center Knit and Purl club, where my Hot Mom is a member. These fabulous ladies knit for a variety of charities, including Head Start, Adopt-a-Family and the Cheyenne VA Hospital, and are happy to take my offerings and deliver them to folks who need them. A couple times a year I take a day off and head up there to visit with the members, and drop off whatever I have on hand. They also provide me with donated yarn so my little hobby isn't quite as expensive as it could be. Seems like some of these old ladies are hoarders, and when they pass on, they leave a butt-load of yarn, which I'm happy to take and turn into hats, scarves and lap robes.

Today is one of my biannual forays, so I'll be off-line and on the road. Enjoy your day, Hot Chicks and Smart Men, and don't burn the place down while I'm gone. Or I'll be forced to move in with you. And no one wants that.


The Mechanicky Gal said...

Hehehehe, Drill Baby, Drill!
Hows THAT workin' for ya Sarah?
Just a comment that's been on my mind lately.

WendyB_09 said...

Hey! I spy a Power Puff Girl with my little eye. Love that show & I don't even have kids...

Hot chick - I'm cleaning out a bunch of craft supplies and somewhere in that mess there is yarn I bought a while back I'll pack up and send your way.