Boogie Blogging Friday, Spring is Here Edition

Friday, May 21, 2010

Spring is finally in the air, and in spite of some unexplained nose bleeds (waiting on blood work results for those with an emotional investment), Boogie is in fine form after walkies, rolling around in the grass and making growly noises. He's not a huge fan of summer - it's too hot for an older dog with a black coat - but Spring invites all sorts of interesting smells.


The Mechanicky Gal said...

Who has the nose bleeds? You or the dog? Or Smartman?

mom in northern said...

Let me know what the vet has to say. Boogie is my best granddog..

The Mechanicky Gal said...

Oh, funny how "and" in a sentence can really bring ideas together!

Janiece said...

The nosebleeds appear to be a sinus infection - I'll go tomorrow and pick up some antibiotics and we'll see if that does the trick.

Jeri said...

Oh, so glad it's bacterial and easily treated. Was worried about him and thinking of him on the way home!
*scritches* to the handsome boy!