Weigh In!

Monday, May 3, 2010
HA! You probably thought this was going to be another post about my interminable diet and Weight Watchers and how my love affair with ice cream and the salty-crunchy has had some very unfortunate results, didn't you?


It's actually about a much LARGER issue. An issue of PARAMOUNT IMPORTANCE.

My address labels.*

Thanks the wonderful Random Michelle, I have three varieties of address labels that I can use, but quite frankly - I'm bored. Bored, bored, bored. My first variety features a photo of a hobby I no longer pursue:

My next labeled featured this, kind of as an inside joke. Spreading joy where ever I go - that's me:

My third choice was a reflection of a prior life, one that shaped who I am, but one from whom I've moved on:

So here I am - in need of a new symbol for my all-important address labels, and I need you Hot Chicks and Smart Men to WEIGH IN.

Please paste the links to your suggestions in the comments. Anyone who posts a link to either the Pr0n or the Food Pr0n (yes, John the Scientist, I am looking at you) is getting the Shovel of Doom™. The winner, however, will win a PRIZE. That's right - a PRIZE. No, you can't ask what the prize is. No, you can't name your own prize. Greedy bastards.

Please make sure your suggestions reflect me, your gracious hostess. Extra points for the funny.

*I'm learning a new system this week, so please forgive the somewhat manic behavior. Plus - there's a PRIZE. A rather FABULOUS PRIZE, if I do say so myself.


Anne C. said...

Well, I'll get the obvious and easy one out of the way, so we can proceed to the silly and creative ones...


Anne C. said...

Let me make this easier...

mattw said...

How about this?


Gristle McThornbody said...

Okay, this ain't gonna win me the prize, but I will share a photo I have used as an avatar on forums and gotten great responses to:

Karl said...

The fishhook thingy, definitely. ;)

It's who you are, Janiece.
And it fits well at the left of the address...

Second choice would be a tiny S.O.D. and '~TONG~' underneath.

Third choice would be a santa-like sack and the letters 'GITFS' underneath.

Random Michelle K said...

This: http://www.almightydad.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/shovel.jpg

or this: http://number17cherrytreelane.files.wordpress.com/2009/08/apricot-jam.jpg

or this: http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/image/0512/m31_gendler_Nmosaic1.jpg

or this: http://image.newcom101.de/userfiles/V/9/1/N/o/jvlBXdmzRILx6T7mYbEZ2a.jpg

Nathan said...

You mean I shouldn't waste time looking for a picture that illustrates the statement, "Tentacle Pron is so conflicted and willing to question it's own pre-conceived notions that it always ends up getting all stabby with itself and just loses another arm"?

nzforme said...

Is it inappropriate Food Pr0n if we link to pretty pretty jars of jam? Cause I'm thinkin' pretty pretty jars of jam would be apprpriate, but would like to avoid the Shovel o' Doom.

Janiece said...

nzforme, Food Pr0n is photos of "stinky tofu," or "durian," or "tentacle on a stick."

Our friend John the Scientist has a strange sense of humor and horrifying taste in food.

Anne C. said...

Considering your scientific bent, something like this might be appropriate, but then again, someone might accuse you of being a Muslim. How about this instead?

nzforme said...



OK, then, I'd go with this:


Alternatively, I'd go with this:


It has the (amusing) advantage that I actually took it. The res ain't so great (since I was using my phone), but cropped down to addy label size, I think it would be quite nice.

Anne C. said...

Or, if you want to needle the wackadoos, there's this or one of these.

Fathergoose said...

How about a picture of your Boogie Dog?

The Mechanicky Gal said...

I have some PowerPuff Girl clip art that you are welcome to. Remember: Kicking ass and taking names, all before bedtime!
(I may paraphrase a bit)
That's you all the way! Some is even a little glittery. You can't beat glitter.
(I'd send a link, but I don't know how. Computer Whiz that I am)