Now That's Just Eery

Monday, May 24, 2010

Scott Adams, feel free to get out of my head at any time. Shoo!


John the Scientist said...

Yeah, yeah, yeah ,you only wishyou were that misanthropic.

You're too responsible to do that. :p

Janiece said...

If I actually had a pointy-haired boss, you might be surprised by what I'm capable of.

If the stupidity burns me long enough, I do, indeed, become that misanthropic. It just usually involves sales people. Or customers who think I should be able to explain everything there is to know about SNMP in ten minutes because they're too intellectually lazy to keep abreast of technology trends. Or engineers who personify the Dunning-Kruger Effect. Or people who make me leave my house...

Dr. Phil (Physics) said...

Must Stop Fist Of Death.

Dr. Phil