I'm getting another summer cold. The second one in less than a month. I so very rarely become ill, when I do it always feels like a personal affront. Getting sick twice in the same month is just UNACCEPTABLE.
Not as unacceptable as getting malaria for like, the 32nd time because I have no access to mosquito nets and chemoprophylaxis, but still irritating.What the hell is up with grout? Who thought this shit was a good idea? It's impossible to keep clean, even in a dry climate such as ours, and is a huge pain in the ass to replace. Bleach can only go so far, and the master bath mini-remodel has revealed that we need to quit procrastinating and re-grout the shower. Which does not make me happy, seeing as how I'm a lazy, lazy git.
Of course I do have access to indoor plumbing, as opposed to living somewhere where raw sewage flows through the streets. So there's that.My company has lost another one of my expense report receipts, so now I have to chase it down and send it again. One would think that an organization whose only job is to keep track of these things would be a bit more proficient, but I guess that just makes me DEMANDING and NEEDY.
Sort of like those DEMANDING and NEEDY third world residents who compete for the chance to work 12 hour days for 38 cents a week putting together crappy discount clothes to be sold at my local K-Mart.Since it's primary season and the Smart Man is a registered Republican, the Big Yellow House has been inundated with Robo-Calls from the candidates, explaining why they deserve his vote because they're DESPERATELY CONCERNED ABOUT THE IMMINENT INVASION OF AMERICA BY BROWN PEOPLE INTENT ON STEALING OUR JESUS.* Last night's was a recording from Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, endorsing Senatorial candidate Jane Norton. Since every time the Smart Man sees a Jane Norton ad he tends to scream "Shut up! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!", followed by a profane ad hominen attack, I think it unlikely Ms. Norton will receive the Smart Man's vote. Regardless of the candidate, however, I think it's safe to say that political Robo-Calls are the work of the devil.
The alternative, of course, is being shot down in the streets for daring to oppose the religious leader's personal choice for our secular government. Which, come to think of it, may be where we're heading.What are your first world problems?
*Yes, I did totally steal that turn of phrase from my friend Jim Wright.
Oil spill in the Kalamazoo River. Yesterday they said 840,000 gallons of crude oil leaked -- LEAKED mind you -- from a crude oil pipeline. EPA is suggesting over a million gallons. There's a rumor going around that it's more like 4.4 million gallons -- or FIVE TIMES as much.
As opposed to some oil spills in like Nigeria which are bigger than the BP spill and have never been cleaned up in years.
There. I feel better.
Dr. Phil
Finally going home after 3 emotionally gruelling weeksin Chicago and I have a middle seat, on a plane that works and isn't a prop plane with chickens as passengers nor am I a delayed passenger from the 6am flight. I just want an aisle seat.
Re: Grout
Sealing the grout is Very Very Important. How do I know? My mum pestered me to death to make sure I did it in the bathroom in the basement. (I also experienced the consequences of not doing it on the kitchen grout, but I think "mum told me to do it" trumps experience, at least humor-wise. ;)
I was without power in DC summer time for a bit over 2 days. No air-conditioning, no fans, running low on clean laundry, lost all the food in the fridge and freezer, had to read books by flashlight. But I have access to electricity and it goes out only rarely, unlike in Iraq, where it works much less than 50% of the time (and it's hotter there).
Oh, and a local candidate (or his minion) called me yesterday to wish me "Happy Birthday". WTF?!? TheHusband fielded the call and asked why a unsolicited birthday call from a political candidate was not an invasion of my privacy. Not an unlawful invasion, mind you, just an invasion that was sort of squicky. The person hemmed and hawed and tried to justify the call, then eventually hung up in confusion.
Janiece, I'm sorry, but I can't help you with this one. I just don't have any problems. So I think I'm going to pick up a meme from you, albeit delayed, and do a gratitude post.
Muriatic acid.
Deb swears by it for cleaning things like grout and stucco and whatnot.
Just be VEWY VEWY CAREFUL when you use it.
I remember the stump rolling incident, and if you are going to re-grout the bathroom yourself, please try the toxic muriatic acid first.
Hiring someone would cause your eyes to pop out at the cost, I am thinking.
We'll discuss the deets when you are here, if you can wait that long. I have some stains, maybe we'll try it out here. Sort of a dress rehearsal. I also have TSP which is another excellent cleaner.
Better living through chemistry!
And THAT is why I love the USA!
MG, we'll give it a go. You're correct, though - I'll likely lose a limb if I attempt to regrout on my own...
On the summer cold front - may I recommend a quick visit to your PCP to verify it's not an allergy attack, a sinus infection or an upper respiratory infection that might need further treatment than OTC cold meds. I used to have the problem with stray allergy attacks, they'd screw up my system and come back as sinus infections, which turned into dental infections. Just a thought...
And on primary season - Georgia is in Primary Run-Off season. I don't care, the Democrats have very few run-offs this time. HOWEVER - in the Gov's races I was inundated by the first ad from the GOP Run-off leader Karen Handel. She, who has been annointed by no less than Queen Palin herself and is close personal friends with Arizona Govenor Jan Brewer, whom she's called to sympathize with her continued persecution by the Feds on the immigration issue. Ugh. The other contender has support from Gingrich. Yeah, we're in GOP hell here...first robocall I get from either will get reported to the Secretary of State and I'll start a movement to get political robo-calls added to the do not call registry.
gonnath = what I'd like to administer a firm, swift kick to on the run-off candidates!!
My diamond shoes are too tight and my wallet won't hold all my $50s.
I'll second both the muriatic acid and the TSP.
I've used both (on different projects) and they worked marvelously.
If you do have to regrout, you can get stuff that is supposed to be stain resistant. And like Anne said, seal it.
My first world problems?
The three computers I needed to work with all have had different problems, this forcing me to solve each of these problems before I can actually, you know, do my work.
Which is still better than working in coal mines in the 1800s in a company town.
Plus, once problems start to snowball, they become so ridiculous they're funny.
My second first world problem is that my ankle aches.
Because the alternative would be not having health insurance to afford the surgery I needed to repair the ankle, and not having the time and resources to allow it to heal properly, thus causing me to be lame for the rest of my life.
Whine whine whine whi...
I love my readers...
Janiece, when are you doing this grouting? 'Cause after a kitchen and a bathroom done myself, I almost consider myself competent to help.
Well, I'm quite annoyed at the blisters on my feet -- specifically, how long they're taking to heal and that they're SO FREAKIN' ITCHY when doing so.
Although, all things considered, the fact that I have, y'know, bandaids, neosporin, shoes, socks, paved roads, a car to drive in, and a house with an actual FLOOR sorta puts all this into perspective.
Hmmm... my house is messy from one move out because I have way too much crap. (solution: get rid of said crap)
I am tired from too much work in a field that is pure first world, technology industry. (solution: say no, or change careers)
I want to do fun stuff with people I love (concert next weekend, Ren faire with the kids, Autumn war w/ SCA friends) and I must work. And work, and work some more. (see above solution. And be grateful when I pay my bills.)
I did go play with the kittens for a half hour earlier this evening. :D
Anne, it won't be for months and months yet - I have other projects (mostly painting) ahead of the queue. But I may take you up on it when the time comes...
Random Michelle - Any hints for this toxic chemical work? I've never used it before (but won't let THAT stop me) and I have some grout stains on the kitchen floor (Mechanicky Guy has been commanded to wear glasses when cooking. It's a pesky "see what you're doing" thing)
Will it eat through a spray bottle?
Knowing me, I'd just pour it on and let it do it's magic.....
I am moving for the second time in four months (they were both planned) and there's just nothing you can do to improve the experience, especially when Mrs. Vagabond is 7 months and 1 week pregnant. Let's face it, the smoothest, easiest move in the history of moves still sucks pond water . . . Howeva, I'm in a country where I have the freedom to live where I want, my profession pays me enough to hire some help and Mrs. Vagabond (who is getting GREAT prenatal care) can just sit back and bark directions instead of actually lift things.
terem - what the movers you hire will certainly do to your things
Vagabond, moving to make room for the little Vagabond doesn't make it less sucky, but it does make it worth it.
IIRC, I wore jeans, a long sleeve shirt, safety goggles, and gloves.
Also, make sure the area is well-ventilated, I think we opened all the windows in the basement as well as the door.
Thanks RMK, Between Janiece and I we will reason "We don't need no stinkin' ________" and Mechanicky Guy will be the voice of reason.
He's cool that way.
MG, I'm pretty sure you don't want respiratory failure or blindness or skin sloughing off to be part of your project.
Which reminds me... As an undergrad I had a job as a student worker in the wildlife/fisheries department. One grad student used to work with formalin WITH HIS BARE HANDS until his fingertips sloughed off.
forphyt = giving up for someone why can't spell
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