Yesterday I left for the Great White North. That's right - the evil right wing has finally driven me out of my homeland, never to return, while I enjoy the socialized medicine of Quebec City.
Okay, not really.
I'm going to Quebec City as part of my University of Denver "study abroad" coursework, and I'll be gone for a week. The program requires a one-week study abroad experience, and I chose to go this year rather than next (when the trip will be to Mexico City). The program includes lectures and tours around the city, including local churches, political institutions, and cultural landmarks. The agenda looks really good, and also allows for plenty of free time in the evening for exploration and such.
One of the requirements of the courses associated with this trip is a journal assignment where we're supposed to record our thoughts and impressions of the various locations and learnings. Being the lazy git that I am, I intend to record my journal here, on Hot Chicks Dig Smart Mean, and then I'll copy and paste the entries into a Word document to turn in at the end. I'll have to clean it up, of course - I don't think my professor would appreciate me dropping the "F Bomb" in an academic deliverable, narrow minded bastard.
So this week's entries will basically be my Quebec City travelogue. Feel free to read them or not, as they're not going to be the normal fair here at Hot Chicks Dig Smart Men, although I'll try to insert snarky commentary as appropriate for your amusement. Ayez une semaine bonne, des poussins chauds et des hommes élégants!
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I just don't think of Canada as "abroad."
I've got two sets of friends who've left already - one to Canada; one to New Zealand - so I wouldn't be surprised as time goes on to see people I know online packing and heading for the exits.
What really got my attention happened a few months ago - my next-door neighbor; a reasonably-active fellow for being in his '80's, told me he was moving back to Germany.
We'd often discussed politics - and he didn't like what he was seeing here. "I've seen this before," he said. "I have no wish to see it happen again."
His daughter - a gal my age - was not in favor of any of this.
"You might listen to your Dad," I told her. "He's been right so far...."
Ayez une semaine bonne, des poussins chauds et des hommes élégants!
Apparently you have already been assimilated.
(::Groucho Marx voice::) If I was going to study abroad, I'd pick Scarlett Johansson. (::waggles cigar and eyebrows::)
Aw man, she left and took all the chocolate with her. Now all we can do is jump on the couch and drink the whiskey.
Visit the Ile d'Orleans. Eat at Chez Bacchus.
That is all.
Quebec City is "abroad," compared to Calgary.
We have a very cool itinerary, including a visit to the Ile on Thursday.
Today was mostly walking tours, so I'm hot and sweaty.
I said "sweaty."
Something else to consider: in your journal assignment, take out any reference to your professor being a "narrow minded bastard."
Just sayin'.
Carol Elaine, I just met him for the first time this week, and it turns out he's a really cool dude, with a great sense of humor. So no, no "narrow minded bastard" talk.
Make sure you try some real poutine while you are there....and Montreal smoked meat. Welcome to Canada!
What's this about poisoning the elephant's home?
For Jim, Canada isn't abroad, because it's between States. It's like an extended State border.
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