Now With More Cankles

Monday, July 19, 2010


Nathan said...

She's going to have the doll attend Levi and Bristol's wedding in her place. Not much chance of looking that happy otherwise.

Janiece said...

They could star the doll in their upcoming reality TV show! Pull the string, and she can say things like, "Abstinence-only sex education is swell!" and "Let's put Levi in front of Obama's Death Panel!"

Eric said...

Maybe Bristol and Levi will let her read about the wedding in a magazine, like they did the wedding notice.

Seems like that's one of those situations where the couple's chances are better without the extended-family support. Or mothers-in-law, at least--I can almost see Todd Palin being kind of an alright "Only shows up to bring some sausage from the deer he shot the other day, have a beer with his son-in-law and see the grandkids" kind of in-law. (Wow... feels kinda weird to be saying something vaguely-nice-ish about people named "Palin.")

Karl said...

Cabbage Patch Moll?
