He Calls it Like He Sees It

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

H/T to the lovely Carol Elaine, whom I join in loving George Takei.


WendyB_09 said...

George Takei should be an inspiration to all who stand up for equality on all fronts. Well played George, well played!

Carol Elaine said...

Ya know, George Takei could call me a douchebag and, though I might be hurt that he thought so, I still don't think I'd mind it too much. Because he's George Fucking Takei and he says the word "douchebag" better than anyone I've heard.


This entire video is made of Teh Hawesome. George Takei, you completely and fully rawk.

Janiece said...

Agreed. A very articulate, cosmopolitan speaker. Much more effective than saying, "You're a douchebag, yo!"