Gays spread disease at a rate out of all proportion to their numbers in our population and should be excluded from the military...Shouldn’t the overwhelmingly straight warriors who answer their county’s call be spared the indignity of showering with other men who achieve lascivious enjoyment from the sight of those lithe naked bodies, and who may be tempted to seek more than the view...My solution would get the distaff part of our homosexual population off our collective ‘Broke Back,’ thus giving straight male GIs a fair shot at converting lesbians and bringing them into the mainstream.The article also indicates "Lesbian military personnel, who Mr Rehyansky praised for their “medical and administrative specialties”, should be allowed to serve because they apparently have low sex drives."
Oh. My. God. The sheer wrongheadedness inherent in these comments is so wide and deep, I'm afraid that if I try to address it in any depth I'll fall in and the synopses in my brain will drown in a sea of ignorance.
Rape. To "cure" lesbians of their deviance. Women, who voluntarily put themselves in harm's way, relegated to the 1960's stereotype of "medical and administrative specialties."
The mind boggles. I guess all those years I served as a Communications Securities System custodian, having direct and personal responsibility for every cryptographic code in the Pacific Arena, was a delusion of my ladybrain. My actual duty was fluttering my eyelashes and looking attractive for the edification of the "straight warriors" in whose midst I was privileged to find myself. My Hot Daughter? I now know that she just CAN'T WAIT to be "converted" by a straight male GI so she can become more MAINSTREAM.
Turns out that Judge Rehyansky is a retired Army officer. Can you imagine serving under this misogynist fuck-knuckle? THIS guy is the reason women who have served our country suffer from non-combat related PTSD simply from serving. THIS guy is the reason episodes like Tailhook occurred in a culture of "boys will be boys." THIS guy is the reason that thousands of female veterans have a twisted sense of what constitutes sexual harassment.
What the fuck is wrong with this stupid mother fucker? Was he molested as a child and now conflates pedophilia with homosexuality? Dropped on his head as a baby? Does he have some sort of cognitive defect that prevents him from thinking critically or perceiving women as anything more than overgrown children who were born for his pleasure? I don't know, and quite frankly, I don't give a good goddamn. What I do know is that Joe Rehyansky has now moved to the top of the list of people who really need to either die in a fire or be punched in the throat for the good of the race.
H/T to my Hot Mom.
"...other men who achieve lascivious enjoyment from the sight of those lithe naked bodies, and who may be tempted to seek more than the view..."
For some reason, I picture Joe with a faraway look in his eyes as he types this line, a small rivulet of drool creeping down his chin as he fondles tiny little soldier standing at attention in his pants. Anyhoo, sounds like he speaks from experience and is having a major episode of self-loathing and denial.
Dear Mr. Rehyansky:
I can guarantee I would much sooner spend the rest of my life surrounded only by gay and lesbian people than to be forced to spend 10 minutes of valuable time and oxygen speaking with you or anyone like you. Go somewhere and die.
I'm with Mrs Bitch on this one, methinks Joe doeth protest too much.
You're right, Janiece, this is exactly the kind of asshole we Navy types kicked the fuck out of the service fifteen years ago - and massively improved the Navy in nearly every regard.
The Army, alas, lags far behind when it comes to keeping up with society. It's often the last refuge of these people.
The real question, of course, is how did this neanderthal asstard become a judge...and more importantly, why is he still a judge?
DAMNIT! Mrs Bitch got to it first!
"men who achieve lascivious enjoyment from the sight of those lithe naked bodies" INDEED.
Ditto. When I was reading it the good judge sounded like he was protesting too much. It's a good thing I got me some good administrative skills so I can type this and tell him to go fuck himself, but that would probably be redundant.
While I would assume Mr. Rehyansky has a college degree and learned something in the Army, I don't know how much higher education he has. I haven't been able to dig up specific information about the qualifications and duties of magistrates in Tennessee, but in many (if not most) jurisdictions, a magistrate is essentially an administrative position and usually little more than a bachelor's degree is required; essentially a magistrate is somewhere between a clerk and a sitting lower-courts judge. They typically issue warrants and may hear small-claims cases.
I mention this because calling Rehyansky a "judge" as Pink News does in the headline when the article actually describes him as a "part-time magistrate" suggests he may have more power and authority than he likely does. Not that there aren't ignoramuses who went to law school and/or passed a Bar (see also: Michelle Bachmann). But Rehyansky is more likely to be a run-of-the-mill asshole than not, for whatever that's worth.
One notes that on top of his ignorance, logic clearly isn't Rehyansky's forte: if one accepts his premises for the sake of a stupid argument, it seems one would be forced to conclude that gay soldiers would eliminate themselves from service through promiscuous disease-spreading and therefore be little medical danger to the rest of the corps or the bulk of the force must necessarily not be as "overwhelmingly straight" as Rehyansky asserts (perhaps they're mostly merely bicurious, still...). Similarly, if the straight men of the military aren't promiscuous, one wonders how, exactly, they will be converting all those lesbians secretly yearning for a man in uniform, unless it's merely the sight of an American soldier that turns a lesbian straight. In which case, getting back to the gay males in the forces, perhaps the problem is really the somehow-provocative uniforms soldiers have been issued, or something along those lines. Really, it doesn't make a lot of sense even if you accept his claims for their own sake.
Eric, the limited bio I was able to find indicated that the douchebag in question also retired from the local D.A.'s office, as well, but carefully doesn't indicate what he actually did there. So I suspect you're correct.
Jim picked up on what I did -- the scariest word in this article is "Judge." Someone who exhibits this level of bias (not to mention stupidity) should not be sitting on any bench, even it's just as a part-time county magistrate.
Oh, update: Finally found a bio -- at -- says he was, in fact, an Asst. D.A. Went to a law school and everything (Cumberland School of Law).
Thanks, nzforme. I think. Remind me to stay out of Tennessee forevermore...
Well, I like Nashville, so staying out of Tennessee is problematic. But then so is Rehyansky's cobweb-laden short-circuiting brain.
So they only thing it would take to convert a lesbian is a good boning from a soldier? That's some good military training right there, and I, for one, am proud to have my tax dollars spent in this way.
I'd thank you for the info, NZ, except it wasn't what I wanted to hear. :D
Well, like I said, there are ignoramuses who went to law school and passed the Bar. I was hoping Rehyansky wasn't a fellow solicitor, but I could say the same about Bachmann and others. Ah well. What a douche.
Oh jeez: just visited that LinkedIN page to see:
Joseph Rehyansky’s Specialties:
Sending criminals to prison. Astute political analylsis.
What an über douchebag.....
Astute political commentary?
I just threw up in my mouth...
He is an idiot and an out and out bigot!
Please assist with our petition to demand that the South African declares "correcticve-rape" a hate-crime
Call to the South African Government to declare "Corrective Rape" a Hate-Crime
@ Eric
The position of Town Justice (or Judge) in New York does not require a law degree, I'm not certain there are any requirements at all.
These Justices do preside over trials requiring juries. And you get the strange judicial rulings one would expect.
Welcome, Billi.
Warner, unfortunately, Reyansky is an attorney, since he worked as a D.A., at least according to his LinkedIn profile.
Which makes him MORE of a douchebag, rather than LESS.
You know, there are people who really should have a face-to-face meeting with Karma. This guy is one of them.
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