Sociopathic Me

Saturday, November 13, 2010
Don't you wish that sometimes, just sometimes, you could go off the deep end and behave in some completely sociopathic way?

Anyone? No? Nobody?

I guess it's just me, then. That's unfortunate.


Phiala said...

Ignite the biosphere!

vince said...

No, it's not just you. I think most people would.

Juan Federico said...

You're not alone. Some of the things that I've considered doing frighten me......

Warner (aka ntsc) said...

I would still love a couple of hours alone with my last boss, the pointy haired one.

I stopped feeling that way about my ex when I found out that she is literally psychotic and has been on meds for almost 20 years.

Tom said...

Wait, I thought a sociopath was something you walked with friends! What ARE you people talking about?

Jeri said...

I don't have sociopathic wishes - I have escape fantasies. "Take the midnight train going anywhere..."

Gristle McThornbody said...

Ooooh! Have you ever been so close to being stabby or shooty that you hear that white-noise buzzy sound in your head and you have tunnel vision? No? Me either.


WendyB_09 said...

Um...every day.

You are not alone...

Steve Buchheit said...

That's why it's important to cultivate the reputation as not having a stable personality. You never know when you may have to rely on that as an alibi.

Stacey said...

Let's go together. It's much more fun in two's.

nzforme said...

You say "sociopathic," I say, "refuses to be a slave to conformity."

Jeri said...

You say 'sociopathic', I say 'not a people pleaser'. :)

Anne C. said...

I'm like Jeri. I don't have sociopathic thoughts, I have dreams of becoming a hermit and leaving the rest of the world to stew in its own ridiculous expectations.

Carol Elaine said...

Janiece, it is ery much not just you. There are several people in particular upon whose asses I would dearly love to go medieval.

Jeri, I've had those escape fantasies as well. Specifically, I'd fantasize about moving to Alaska, where I didn't know anyone. That fantasy has been slightly compromised by Tania and Jim, even though I would still love to go there on a visit.