Random Acts of Kindness

Tuesday, December 18, 2012
There's a trend out there. A trend that is lifting my spirit and giving me hope.

I'm speaking of the grassroots initiative to memorialize the victims of the Sandy Hook shooting by performing 26 Random Acts of Kindness. By, as Mr. Rogers noted so sincerely, not only looking for the helpers, but by becoming them.

I love this idea so much. The hashtags are #20Acts or #26Acts, and I've created a Tumblr for the purpose of collecting and sharing stories. Feel free to join, and submit your stories if you wish. It's time to elevate the human spirit instead of allowing it to be defined by the ugliness of Friday's events.


Jeri said...

I am not able to access this tumblr? Entering the URL requires me to log in to tumblr - and I don't have a tumblr account. Odd.

Janiece said...

Try http://randomkindnesses.tumblr.com/