Open Up the Book
I was looking at my book tally for 2012, and it turns out I read 10 fewer books in 2012 than I did in 2011 for a total of 80. And of those 80, seven were textbooks or technical material. I'm a bit resentful about this, because THERE ARE SO MANY GOOD BOOKS, AND I MUST READ THEM ALL. Rededicating my reading time to technical material is irksome.However, not being unemployed and homeless is something I enjoy as well, so I suspect I'll just have to suck it up.
Abundance and Charity
I also knitted 100 fewer pieces this year than I did in 2011. That outcome was most directly related to my travel schedule. According to TripIt, I spent 64 days away from home in 2012, most (but not all) of which was business related. I don't take my knitting when I travel - I can't spare the space, and have no time for such things in any event. Unfortunately, I suspect 2013 will be worse in this regard rather than better.Please Release Me
On the bright side, I've completed five professional certifications this calendar year, with more on the horizon (next scheduled exam: January 31st). I sincerely hope that my future exams don't cause my brain to explode in the same way that the thrice-damned one did. I don't think I can take it.Try a Little Kindness
I'm still working on my 26 Random Acts of Kindness. It's taking a while in my case because it's important to me that they be truly random, and unless I'm traveling I rarely leave my house. I want this particular exercise to force me to see those around me who, as my buddy Carolyn notes, have some sort of bizarre cloak of invisibility, and to help them when I can.Auld Lang Syne
Christmas around here was pretty good. My Hot MIL came in from Ohio, my Hot Mom came down from Longmont, and we had a a few other friends, as well. I made four pans of lasagna. For TEN PEOPLE. This is not unusual at our house - when we have people over, I can't think of a single event that would horrify and embarrass me more than not having enough food. So our cups runneth over, each and every time, and everyone got leftovers. Also: Our friend Ken brought a raspberry white chocolate bundt cake from a shop called "Nothing Bundt Cakes," and I'm pretty sure the baker has some sort of Faustian bargain going on. Oh. My.For New Year's, the Smart Man and I will be having a nice dinner at one of our favorite restaurants, The Augustine Grill in Castle Rock. They have baked brie with Lingonberries, and since I consider brie to be a basic food group all on its own, I may just have several orders of that for my meal. DON'T JUDGE ME. Of course, I'm sure we'll be home by nine, because we're completely out of control like that.
I hope you're all having a nice holiday season!
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