Thank you, anonymous strangers

Thursday, December 20, 2012
Yesterday my Hot Daughter had an accident on snowy and slick roads. She lost control of her vehicle, slid front end first into a decorative light post, and ended up on the sidewalk. Thankfully, she was not hurt, although the car's in pretty bad shape.

While she was waiting for the police to arrive and making phone calls to the various people who needed to be notified, she said that over ten people stopped with offers of help, some on foot, and some in their own vehicles.

Thank you, anonymous strangers, for looking out for my baby girl.


Carol Elaine said...

I'm so happy your Hot Daughter is alright. And kudos to the anonymous strangers. Things like that make me think there just might be some good in the world after all.

Anne C. said...

Ditto pretty much everything CE said.