Here we are again, folks - it's after 2:30 in the afternoon, and again I have nothing to write about other than generalized whining about work. Aside from the fact that such bitching and moaning gets old after awhile, I choose not to use this venue for that purpose. Somehow I doubt someone's going to pay me a kabillion dollars for my modest blog if I get fired, so in this case, discretion is the better part of valor.
So I'm stuck with that old standby -talking about the weather.
To the left is the view from our basement door. It's been snowing pretty steadily since last night, although it's a light snow. Most of the schools are doing short days today (because really, how can we possibly expect our staff and students to remember what to do during snowfall? That's just crazy talk.).

And here's the Incomparable Boogie™, starting to get quite insistent about coming back in the house after he accompanied me outside for picture taking. He still loves to go out and play in the snow, but he's starting to think active snowfall is not really his cup of tea, thank you very much. He has to start fasting at 8:00 p.m. this evening in preparation for his surgery tomorrow. Wish him luck.
You do not suck.
That is a great picture of Boogie. The reflection and the angle are great.
I totally agree with Anne on both counts. Good luck to Boogie.
The snow is beautiful. I'm envious.
OH, Eric, youpve done it now and if this region (that is the I-85 corridor) gets 15 inches of snow in a 24 hour period at any point this winter, I know who I'm blaming.
I will say when I saw your weather report earlier I was thinking of Halloween in the Buffalo area when we were kids. Our costumes were always sized large enough to fit over our snowsuits. Most years by the 31st it was either cold enough or we had at least a dusting of snow on the ground when we headed out to trick or treat.
Stay safe & warm!!
Wendy, if the I85 corridor gets even 3" of snow I'll be doing a happy dance. We get a foot, I may lose some fingers and toes building a fort.
Good luck, Boogie.
And you don't suck. We all get stuck there at times.
I expect to get a full report on the Boogie dog.
As do we all, Mom!
Ya know, when we first move to NC in the '70's we'd get a fair amount of snow most winters. Matter of fact, the first winter we were there I spent most of mid-December after final exams ferrying friends from UNC-G to the airport, bus & train stations because no one knew how to drive in the deeper snow and I'd just moved there from NY.
Same when I lived in northwest Georgia, we’d be good for at least 2 or 3 good snowfalls (good = over 1 foot deep) a winter. One year we lived at the bottom of the big hill in town, and it had started snowing earlier in the afternoon. By midnight when my husband took Susie, our German Shepherd (who loved snow, she was part Husky) out for the night walk, they came right back in to get me to join them.
There was well over a foot of snow on the ground by then. The steep hill glistened pristine in the street lights. We grabbed the saucer a previous tenant had thoughtfully left in the garage and tromped up the hill. And the three of us christened the hill, right then, in the middle of the night, us on the saucer and Susie in hot pursuit behind us!!! A couple porch lights came on to see what the ruckus was, and the neighbors were treated to a winter wonderland. By breakfast the next morning the whole neighborhood was out on the hill, kids, adults, dogs, sleds & saucers! With cocoa and coffee and warm sweet rolls to be shared.
Ah, good, and much simpler, times.
Boogie is as handsome as always, and I too am envious of the snow. Like Wendy, I grew up wearing snowsuits under my costumes, and there were some years where the trick-or-treating was either cut short or canceled due to snow storms.
Sending Boogie lots of pets and head scratches for a speedy recovery.
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