Things I (Re)Learned at the Sales Conference

Friday, October 16, 2009
People really do talk on their cell phones while they're using a public toilet.

People will engage in shenanigans while at these events that would give stereotypical sailors a run for their money.

If you choose to engage in these shenanigans, then you shouldn't be surprised when people gossip about you.

There's a tipping point in corporate hierarchy where people stop enjoying the sound of their own voice for its own sake. This point occurs at different places in different industries.

If you want people to spend a lot of money and behave badly, decorate your nightclub like it was the location of numerous 70's porn movies.

No matter what, the Boogie Dog is always, always happy to see me when I come home from a trip. This probably makes me happier than it should, but I don't really care.

While I take my on-line relationships (and the on-line community to which I belong) seriously and behave appropriately, others do not. While an on-line persona is necessarily an incomplete picture of who someone is, the adage still applies. If someone behaves like a dickweed on-line, it's a pretty good bet that it's because they're a dickweed.

Weight Watchers' Dark Chocolate Raspberry 1 point bars are the work of the devil. They are evil and must be destroyed.

I think I gained some weight while at the conference. Drat.

Never bring shoes you've never worn before to any event where you have no other options. Because while Danskos are the cat's pajamas with slacks, they look like ass with a dress. So I have blisters on my toes, instead.

There are some companies that understand so little about customer service that their employees should never, ever be allowed to have contact with customers. Yes, Boingo, I'm looking at you. Having your software initiate an unrequested "chat" session with a customer who is trying to purchase your bandwidth is really fucking annoying. Having that person's sole purpose be to up sell me on services I don't want and don't need is super fucking annoying. Forcing that person to continue to "pitch" me with their script even after I've said "no" pretty unequivocally means that you'll never get another dollar from me EVER.

I like rum runners.

I'm happy to be home.


Terry Mc said...

To that list I might add...

If you normally don't drink much, don't try to hop back into it. It's dissimilar to riding a bike in that manner.

From what I hear, from other people.

Which way to the articles about toupee glue scars anyways?

Unknown said...

Boogie looks like he is wearing long-sleeved boxing gloves (two pairs).

Janiece said...

Terry, there shall be no toupee glue scar posts. Pretty much ever.

Brenda, Boogie got his bath and a haircut today, so he's a bit fluffier than normal. And he smells better, too.

Jeri said...

Not to get all stereotypical, but I think that as a general rule salesfolk behave worse at conferences than those in other professions.

IT geeks? Might try their hand at card counting in Vegas for a bit, but their idea of clubbing usually involves a video game controller. And really, most geeks don't dance for a REASON.

Fathergoose said...

A tip on Boingo, check at the airport shops and ask if the have complement cards. Frequently they will and it will provide you with 15 minutes of free service.

Janiece said...

Thanks, Fathergoose. I don't travel a huge amount for work, so that might be a good option.

Anne C. said...

And take bandaids with you next time. You can put them in places you expect to get blisters and avoid them altogether.

The Mechanicky Gal said...

So, what was the deal on the pantyhose?????
Priorities, Janiece.

Janiece said...

Amy, I wore hose with the dress (and the shoes that gave me toe blisters). The rest of the time it was slacks and Danskos.