Just Kill Me Now

Sunday, October 18, 2009
It seems a Justice of the Peace in Louisiana has denied an interracial couple a marriage license. Because he's concerned for the children, you see.

No, no - he's not a racist - he's just concerned for the children.

You see, he treats everyone equally - no interracial couples receive marriage licenses from him.

The ACLU is on the case, and I doubt Keith Bardwell will be employed in his current capacity much longer.

That's okay. I'm sure the League of the South will hire him forthwith.

Sometimes I think the U.S. is doomed. DOOMED.

H/T to MWT, who enjoys watching my head explode.


Eric said...

It's not just the ACLU; Governor Jindal is asking for a review as well.

(It's not clear to me from the MSNBC article whether Gov. Jindal is asking for a review by the Louisiana Bar or whatever they have by way of a judicial ethics committee.)

So that's a good thing. And possibly the one time Governor Jindal will say something I agree with, but that's another story....

Nathan said...

I read about this yesterday, and I may be courting some serious re-education, but I gotta say, my whole reaction was..."Eh, so what."

Yeah, the guy's a complete and utter dinosaur and all, but is it really something to make a (uh...no way around the cliche'), federal case out of? (And yes, I know that it rises to that level on the merits.) But here are my thoughts:

-It's not a case of a conspiracy to deny someone's civil rights. It's one deluded asswipe. The couple in question could probably find a couple of other Justices on their iPhone within three minutes travel time and get their license. (If there were any number of Justices colluding to deny them a license, that'd be another story.)

-I'm pretty sure this guy will get his "Justice of the Peace" credentials lifted without a need for federal intervention.

-I'm pretty sure that either a.) the many black friends the guy claims will abandon him or shame him into rethinking his stance, or b.) those same black friends will stand by him and...find themselves abandoned by their community.

This one seems like a despicable story and all, but now that the guy has been outed, a story that ought to right itself without all that much fuss.

That having been said, if it does somehow manage to turn into some long drawn-out legal fight (with him somehow cluelessly defending himself and being defended by others)...Release The Hounds!

P.S. If any new visitors think I'm in any way soft on my native co-Southerners, allow me to repeat verbatim, my comment from Janiece's linked thread:

When you begin a Civil War...and then you lose that Civil War...you are...plain and simple...traitors. (You only get to be noble heroes by winning.) Every fucking one of them who was sent home alive was treated generously.

(I have no intention of discussing Reconstruction or any of the abuses that took place then, but the entire Confederacy was in rebellion and flying any of their fucking symbols now is an insult to the Union that beat the ever living shit out of them.)

WendyB_09 said...

I did hear this morning the Louisiana Bar is involved, whether at the Govenor's request or independently I'm not sure either. I've got a friend who's a PD in Shreveport, I should drop him a note and get his take (although I suspect it will be much like ours!)

Janiece said...

Nathan, I tend to agree, which is why I made the comment about him finding himself unemployed.

The thing that gets me is that today, in 2009, this motherfucker thought it was a-okay to break the law (and his own oath to uphold it) based on his own prejudice. The article is vague on this point, but I wonder how come he thought this was oh-so-acceptable?

Megan said...

My favourite detail from that story is the "proof" that he's not racist because he lets black people use his bathroom.

Janiece said...

Yeah. Just the epitome of progressive, isn't he?

I like your new avatar pic, BTW.

neurondoc said...

I knew you'd comment on this, so I wouldn't have to. This situation sort of reminds me of the situation a hardcore anti-choice pharmacist finds himself in when a customer comes in looking for mifepristone. FWIW.

Dr. Phil (Physics) said...

Apparently the logic goes that interracial marriages don't last. Um, if that's a criteria, why does he issue ANY marriage licenses, based on U.S. statistics?

Must be great to be omniscient or at least prescient and able to SEE which marriages will fail ahead of time.


Dr. Phil

Janiece said...

Natalie, I see what you're saying, but I don't necessarily agree.

In my case, I don't see an opposition to miscegenation as being on the same field as an opposition to abortion. YMMV of course, but I believe people of good conscience can concede that there are valid arguments on both sides of the abortion debate. I can't say the same for the "debate" about miscegenation.

Carol Elaine said...

Apparently the logic goes that interracial marriages don't last.

Snort. I had better tell my friends who have been together since high school (for 25 years) and have been married for about 15 years. I'm sure once they realize that they should have split up years ago, they'll do the right thing and file for divorce tomorrow.

neurondoc said...

I'm not agreeing with this schmuckbucket's attitude or belief system. What I was trying to say was that *he* would consider the situations similar. Bad wording.

Janiece said...

Natalie, I knew you didn't agree with him (perish the thought!), but thanks for clarifying anyway.

I was just pointing out that yes, he is in fact a racist asshat, in spite of whatever justification he gives for his asshattery.

L.Doud said...

There are so many things I would like to say, but instead of blowing my top, I will make it short and sweet....FUCKING IDIOT!!!

Janiece said...

Hey, y'all! It's my Hot Cousin - the one who volunteers at Excelsior House!

Yeah, I figured this guy would make your head explode even faster than mine.

The good news is, he's no longer the JOP.