Close Encounters of the Nerd Kind

Monday, December 28, 2009
Via my celebrity boyfriend The Bad Astronomer, I have discovered a YouTube channel that makes my heart sing and fills me with NERD LOVE.* It's the YouTube channel of the Nobel Prize, and it's simply filled with sciencey goodness as ordinary folks ask burning questions of Nobel Laureates, who then answer in a way a layperson can understand. HOW COOL IS THIS?

As an example, here is Nobel Laureate John Mather, astronomer and the principle investigator of the soon-to-be too cool for school James Webb Space Telescope. The question he fields relates to whether or not the LHC will actually suck the world into a vortex of black holes. Long time readers of this space will know why I chose this example, and why it fills me with glee to use it. Please note that Dr. Mather is an actual scientist with an actual Ph.D in an actual scientific discipline.


*I also heard today on The Skeptic's Guide to the Universe that my propensity towards Nerd Love may actually have an evolutionary motivation. Because the success of our society is so wrapped up in STEM, choosing mates based on their Nerd Cred has now become a "survival of the fittest" issue. Sweet.


Warner (aka ntsc) said...

Princeton has parking specifically reserved for Nobel Laureates.

Never seen that before