The Visio Vortex of Hell and Taking One for the Team

Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Today I have been sucked into the Visio Vortex of Hell. If you're not familiar with Microsoft's Visio product, then please thank your lucky stars and run screaming into the night if anyone ever suggests you use this bloated piece of crap. Thank you for your cooperation.

So in lieu of actual content today, I'm going to refer you to an ongoing project of another member of the UCF.

My friend and fellow UCFer Eric of Standing on the Shoulders of Giant Midgets has embarked on an endeavor so frightening, so chilling, that only the consumption of vast amounts of alcohol can mitigate the risk associated with this activity. I'm speaking, of course, of his decision, as a critical thinking socialist, to read and review Sarah Palin's Manifesto, Going Rogue.


That's right, Hot Chicks and Smart Men. Eric is reading and reviewing daily that self-serving butchering of the English language, and providing insights that have made the occasional quotes from the book actually BEARABLE. Eric didn't actually pay for that piece of crap, of course - one of his more conservative readers sent it to him, along with the requisite alcohol to get him through.

While I always enjoy hearing Eric's thoughts on a variety of subjects, I have to say that I really do appreciate him taking one for the team in this case. You know if I'd tried reading that thing I'd be engaged in an automatic weapons rampage in no time at all. And that just Would Not Do.

So go over to Eric's and check out his commentary. It's worth your time.


JEF said...

Thanx to Eric for his troubles. Hopefully Palin will be a flash in the pan & we will barely remember her name in a few years.

Janiece said...

Welcome, JEF.

I really feel Eric's pain, but his review is keeping me amused, so I can't feel too sorry for him.

neurondoc said...

I've decided (for some unknown reason) to read all of Eric's review posts when he finally finishes the damn thing. Better him than me...

And I haven't a clue as to what Visio is and clearly will be happy to keep it that way.

Janiece said...

Count your blessings, Doc.

But then again, I don't have to deal with fMRI's and the rest of that fancy-shmancy stuff you interpret...

WendyB_09 said...

I do know what Visio is and all I can say is...I'm sorry, poor brain on Microsoft.

JEF - read that sentence as: Palin will be a flush in the pan...which I found hysterically funny on way too many levels!

Eric said...

Thank you for the plug!

I'm more than halfway through now. There's light at the end of the tunnel. (Or is the more apt metaphor the one about the kid finding the pile of manure in the living room on Christmas morning and knowing there must be a pony in there somewhere?)

Warner (aka ntsc) said...


That isn't the light at the end of the tunnel, it is the headlamp of the oncoming locomotive.