Technical Housekeeping

Saturday, December 5, 2009
Today is technical housekeeping day here at Hot Chicks Dig Smart Men. That means installing my new 2TB external drive and doing immediate backups, as well as scheduling the weeklies. Once that's done, I'll be moving my old backup drive to service the NetBook. I need to begin research on what version of Linux I want to use on that, and completing a mirror image of the NetBook on the old external drive in case my Linux install goes south, etc., etc., blah, blah, blah.

So yeah. Not too exciting around here today, except I lost 3.4 pounds this week, which makes me happy. PC backups? Not so much.

Hope you're having a good weekend.


Phiala said...

Same here, plus working on an apparently-dying laptop.

I'm very happy with the Ubuntu netbook-specific version on my EEE.

Eric said...

I 'buntu. I recommend Ubuntu, too.


mfheadcase said...

Almost, but not quite a hat trick for Ubuntu. Linux Mint 8 has bee released, and is a bit friendlier than straight Ubuntu as far as installation of non- default software. It's a Ubuntu variant than runs a couple months behind in release, and e seem to sped the time making it even more linux noob friendly than Ubuntu is.

vince said...

First, congrats on the weight loos. Go you!

I like Ubuntu, but a close second is Knoppis.

Anne C. said...

I haven't been doing tech hk, but I have been pretty productive today. I made 3 batches of marshmallows (they were commissioned) and catfood. I also picked up the vanity and mirror for the bathroom downstairs (it's sitting in the backyard because it's just too heavy (and the temp too cold) to manage to get it in the basement yet). Hope nobody steals it before I can wrangle it into the basement tomorrow.
Tomorrow -- visit my sister (putting together a group Christmas gift) and visit my SIL (relax, knit, and watch a movie).