Ookymmas Cards and Other Traditions

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
I used to send holiday cards. I would include photos from the year, a newsletter including all of the pertinent events from the previous year, and a personalized message for each card.

Yeah, we don't do that anymore.

We used to put up a big tree in our living room every year. It was a big pre-lit job, with all of our geeky ornaments.

We don't do that anymore, either.

We used to fill everyone's stockings on Christmas Eve, and dig through them on Christmas morning. There was the usual stuff - Lifesaver's Sweet Storybooks, jewelry, makeup, action figures.

That's off the table, too.

The erosion of our Christmas traditions have been due to a variety of things. The holiday cards went by the wayside in 2007, when I simply didn't feel like sending them. In 2008, I had a case of the holiday blues, and again didn't feel like sending them. This year, I was beyond guilt or even consideration when it came to the cards. I just blew it off because I don't see the point.

The tree is a slightly different matter. Boogie the Giant Schnauzer has had a terrible time leaving the tree alone in years past. It's always a struggle, because I have to keep him in my sight at all times, just to keep him from inadvertently electrocuting himself, the dumbass. Last year we traveled to Ohio for the holiday, and decided not to put the tree up. It was so nice not to have to constantly supervise the dog, and now that he doesn't sleep in his crate at night anymore, it would be even worse. So this year, rather than deal with it, we put up a tiny 3' tree on an end table. It looks nice enough, although we decided to put it up sans Star Trek ornaments, but it's not the same as the BIG TREE.

The stocking tradition just kind of petered out. Once the Smart Twins became older and started making their own holiday schedules, we just never had the kids in the house at the same time on Christmas morning. I didn't see the point in making a stocking for the Smart Man and my Hot Mom, as doing so just made me feel depressed for a variety of reasons that have nothing to do with Christmas and everything to do with family dynamics.

So many of my holiday traditions have just sort of faded away, and I need to replace them with something. Like many people, I'm prone to holiday depression, and one of the ways I keep it at bay is to have obligations that encourage me not isolate myself. This year I committed to knitting all those damn hats for Excelsior House (the hats are damned because I'm dreaming about them, not because it's not a good thing to do. I should have given myself more time), and I've also started making jam with the intent of donating it to Meals-on-Wheels. These things aren't enough, though, especially since I'm trying to keep the holiday treating down to a minimum in support of my weight loss goals.

I've thought about starting to celebrate Ookymmas from now on, but I don't think a holiday tradition that includes a drunken saturnalia would go over too well with the Smart Man. It might stave off the depression, though...


Steve Buchheit said...

Wait, okay, I can accept the smaller tree, but really, no Star Trek ornaments? I'm sorry, you're going to have to turn in your geek card at the union hall.

mom in northern said...

Is there a rule that says they MUST hang from a X-mas tree? What is wrong with hanging them from say the curtain rods? OR ???

Carol Elaine said...

mom in northern, I like the way you think.

Janiece said...

I shall hang the Star Trek ornaments in the basement, around my desk, thus fully buying into the geek stereotype. Then I'll have geek cred coming out of my ears!

jr said...

You know you could just hang the tree from the ceiling fixture, hotwire the lights to the house wiring. Putting on the ornaments is at a comfortable working level and solves the dog issue, (unless he knows where you keep the step ladder).

I'm not saying, I'm just saying...

Janiece said...

Trust an architect to come up with a creative solution...

JR, I'll keep that in mind for next year.

Eric said...

Y'know, Janiece, if you actually wore the Trek ornaments as earrings, the geek cred actually would be coming out your ears. Maybe just be careful not to get the geek cred caught in anything...?


The Mechanicky Gal said...

And I notice that there is NOTHING indicating that said ornaments must be put away at any time....

WendyB_09 said...

We've never given up the stocking thing...matter of fact most years every stocking needs an annex just to hold all the goodies!!

Jim Wright said...

I'm sorry, did no one tell you about the required Ookymmas tree of meat?

Eric said...

I'm sorry, did no one tell you about the required Ookymmas tree of meat?

As if Jeri's kitten needed another reason to go crazy in her Christmas tree. Maybe the tree of meat should be optional.

(On a separate note: "Tree Of Meat" would be a pretty awesome name for a death metal band, don't'cha think? Or for an album by a death metal band. One of those acts with an extra-growly frontman and a guitarist who thinks sixteenth notes are "slow," and all the members look like Alan Moore except possibly the bassist, who is optionally bald with tats crawling up his neck and a junkie's skeletal physique.)

Janiece said...

...the bassist, who is optionally bald with tats crawling up his neck and a junkie's skeletal physique.

I think I used to date that guy.

Anne C. said...

Thank goodness you don't anymore. I like the SmartMan just fine. And I'm not so sure that he wouldn't appreciate a good saturnalia if there was good music and he could have a ringside seat where he could put his feet up and laugh at the drunken idiocy.

Thanks again for the fun outing today and I'm once again caught up on your blog! :D