Merry Christmas, Snoopy Style

Friday, December 25, 2009

I hope your Christmas is full of good music, good dancing and good food. But without the sour Schroeder and Lucy face.

Merry Christmas, Hot Chicks and Smart Men.


Jim Wright said...

I excel at the sour Schroeder face.

Merry Christmas, Janiece

Janiece said...

You're not as grumpy and you'd like us to think, Jim.

Merry Christmas.

vince said...

Of course Jim would like us to think. But it's Christmas day, and I, for one, don't feel like thinking.

Merry Christmas, Janiece.

Janiece said...

You, too, Vince.

Karl said...

Glædelig Jul, Allesammen!!

Eric said...

Happy Boxing Day!