Good News On Both Sides of the Debate

Thursday, January 17, 2008
I read today that abortion in the United States is at the lowest level since 1974. I generally think that's a positive trend, except in cases where a woman who wanted an abortion couldn't get one due to a lack of availability (yes, Mississippi, I'm looking at you.)


magiccook said...

It is good that the number of Americans that died from abortions is down but 1.2 million a year is still way to many. I'll bet those of those were done for selfish reasons.

Janiece said...

magiccook, apparently you have an axe to grind on this topic.

If you have hard data to back up your assertion about selfish motivations, please share it with the class, and we can discuss it like civilized humans.

If you don't, please refrain from grinding your axe on my blog.

Shawn Powers said...

*sigh* Magiccook, I'm 100% pro-life. But really, I'm not sure what will be accomplished by lashing out at folks that don't share our views.

You'll find a group of folks around these parts that are very willing to intelligently discuss the topic. They'll even respectfully disagree with you. Heck, they might even take your views into consideration on the topic.

But not if you call them names and accuse them of being heartless murderers. Will that really help achieve what you want? Or is your end goal to try to hurt people with your words?

I think Janiece was pretty kind not to just give you the boot. With an opener like you made, it seems pretty clear you just want to sling mud. No point. Go home.

Janiece said...

Shawn, in terms of discussing "the abortion issue" with pro-life advocates, you are probably the most courteous and reasonable advocate I've ever debated. Your restraint and ability to keep the issue from becoming a screeching monkey-fest is deeply appreciated, and as a result, I've considered your viewpoint more deeply and seriously than I have other's.

I really did mean for this post to be in the spirit of "hey, look - progress!" I'm disappointed that it apparently attracted an unsavory element, but if magiccook is willing to discuss the issue with respect and courtesy, I'm game.

However, I had already decided that troll-like comments would initially be met with a courteous slap on the hand, and an opportunty to do better. After being duly warned, future trollishness will be met with comment deletion and the epithat "*TONG*", signifying that the perpertrator has been smacked in the face with my shovel.

Jeri said...

Janiece, I like the "TONG" consequence for misbehaving commenters, it's creative!

And yes, I agree, it is good news on the abortion front, regardless of which side of the debate you are on.

Jim Wright said...

Selfish here being anything that magicook doesn't happen to agree with eh? Way to generalize. Stereotype much, magicook?


Janiece, looks like your standard drive-by trollage here. Doubt you'll see magicook again. They spend all day running google searches for 'abortion,' 'gay marriage', and 'atheism' then drive-by those blogs leaving a trail of snarky comments.

Janiece said...

Jim, I assumed that, too. But I'm constitutional unable NOT to give people the benefit of the doubt, as you know.

And as snark goes, it's pretty poor quality. Just sayin'.

Anne C. said...

I heard on the radio that there's a mini population boom going also, possibly linked to the decrease in use of contraception and, well, let me look this up...
Ah. Here's the link:
Pretty interesting article, including some cultural impacts.

Anne C. said...

Dumb link, sorry...
Population Boomlet

Janiece said...

Thanks, Anne.