We finished opening gifts last night with my Hot Mom and Smart Boy, and these were under the tree for me. Santa just gets Smarter all the time.
Have a Happy New Year, children, and let's hope this year sees our brothers and sisters-in-arms home safely.
Oooooh. Pretty!
Happy New Year, Janiece! Hope the coming year is full of fun moments like the one you're posting about here. :)
I'd like to offer your Smart Man a nice swift sucker punch for all us blokes that didn't buy diamonds this year.
Sure, I'm happy for you and all -- but really, what if the other wives find out?!?!
Shawn is elected to represent all of us who didn't buy diamonds this year. That would be pretty much all of us...except for that mutant husband of yours. :-)
And if you get a belated gift of a Mercedes Benz later today, just keep it to yourself, or we're all chipping in to fly Shawn to your house. I'm not advocating violence or anything, but sometimes the provocation is just too much.
BTW, its overcast and raining here in Brookly™, so that hairy eyeball didn't get any closer than Trenton. Hah!
Don't worry, guys - I won't tell your Hot Chicks what slackers you all are. Hehe.
Actually, the way things work at our house, each year a member of the family gets a "big gift," and this year was my year. The last time it was my Smart Man's turn, he got a limited edition Omega "From the Moon to Mars" watch. So it's a mutual thing - just not in the same years.
And Nathan, you just keep making fun of my typo's. The Hairy Eyeball is so burning it's way through Trenton on it's way to Brookly™, and then you'll be sorry, oh, yes.
Does your smart man have a volume discount at the jewelry store?
And guys, my Smug Husband got a diamond for me too... although it was an artsy fartsy raw diamond, per my request. So, he, too went to the same school of attentive Smart Spouse Stuff that Janiece's did.
Neener neener neener.
Jeri, our jewelry store folks know us by name. Or they should.
And I think you get the "Hot Chick Cool Gift Award" for giving your Smart Man a car.
See guys? My Smart Man may be the shit, but Jeri's the Hottest Hot Chick in town. So you can now say, "Janiece may get diamonds, but Mr. Smug gets a car. I'll buy you diamonds when you buy me a car." Then we gals will sit back and laugh hysterically at the natural reaction to such a comment. Hehehe.
I got a laptop I got to pick myself. No offense to your smart man, but I like that better than shinies.
Guess that's what happens when two geeks fall in love and get married. (He got a PDA with built in GPS. And a wireless card. Our technology to people ratio is way skewed--even if you count the cats.)
But congrats on the shinies, since you love 'em!
And all this talk of "what I got" just makes me think its that much funnier that Shawn got a penguin that poops candy.
Michelle, last year was my geeky Christmas - a new cell phone, an iPod, and an external drive for my PC. This year I was feeling more girlie.
My Samrt Man got a new amplifier for his guitar, a Christmas Story Lamp, and the family got an HD TV. Still pretty geeky. 'Cause geeks are cool.
Ah... Girly.. I think I've heard of that concept before! :)
I think the most feminine thing I do is wear scarves (both winter scarves, which are not very dainty, and the other kind. I wear them at work when I need to dress up.) I'm terrible with jewelry.
I was a huge tomboy as a child, and thus missed out on learning how to wear makeup and jewelry and all that, so I'd rather do without than feel all awkward.
Michelle, I can't wear scarves or hats - my head's just not shaped right. So I had to go down the jewelry and make-up road.
What I'm really looking forward to is when I retire and get to do the Bohemian Babe thing - I'm considering stopping dying my hair and doing the dreadlock thing. Just 'cause I can. Hehe.
You can stick a fork into your leg too, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea. :)
I'm all for the crazy hairdo thing, but really, dreadlocks are just nasty. Any hairstyle that requires a, "Do Not Wash -- Ever" type process is on my DO NOT WANT list.
But you're right. You certainly can do it. Maybe that's enough. ;)
Shawn, the idea that you're not allowed to wash Dreads is a myth. I mean, seriously, do you think I'd actually consider a style where I wasn't allowed to wash my hair? Ew.
You can wash them all you want, you just can't comb them.
Don't feel bad, though - I had to look it up, too, when I first started thinking about it.
Dreadlocks = very limited trips to SD for rolled tacos. I must draw the line somewhere. And you may fall asleep and awake with NO DREADS.
I'm just sayin'.....
I got a big TeeVee from Santa this year! AND it hangs on the wall! (with a little help[ from my Mechanicky Gal Friend Deb). Youse guys are Hot Chicks and Smart Men, but I'm a MECHANICKY GAL!
Ok, I'm happily proven wrong. You can get your dread on.
Now I can approach folks with dreadlocks and not worry about, well, what you'd worry about if you thought someone hadn't washed their hair in 20 years. :)
Amy, now that's just not right. Seriously, you would deny me my senior citizens eccentricities? Harsh.
And Shawn? Yeah, ew...not washing your hair for 20 years? Seriously not right. Bleh.
As I love scarves and hats, you have my sympathy. I wear hats all year round, although it's primarily in self-defense. If I don't wear a hat my hair gets in my eyes and I can't see.
I do have a hat face, although my mother snidely comments it's because my face should be hidden by large hat brims. (I quit listening to most anything my mother says years ago.)
As far as dreads, in a discussion about my hair I had a (virtual) friend suggest that dreads would be just the thing for me, since once my hair reaches a certain length it tangles all on it's own.
I considered it, but decided that dreadlocks and my form of OCD are mutually exclusive. (i.e. within a week I'd end up shaving my head.)
So you should rock the dreads--and/or find a job where you can be a bohemian dread wearing smart chick and start now!
And I stopped dying my hair in my late twenties--just as it started to go grey. What I really want is white hair, but I don't think I'll get that any time soon.
Michelle, my hair is greying into a stunning silver...it's about 70% grey now, since it started in my early 20's. Premature grey runs in my family, and my Hot Mom's hair is so bright it reflects light like a mirror. I've been dying it on and off (mostly on) for 20 years. Since my Smart Man is younger than me and also has a baby face, I'm not ready to let it go natural and face the inevitable comments about "my son." Which is really too bad, since I'm currently in a job where I could do the dreads if I wanted. I'm V.O. all the time, and see other members of my team once a year.
We'll see.
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