Attack of the Ebola

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
I'm being attacked by the Ebola again today (even after unsuccessfully running away yesterday). In my absence, please read Richard Cohen's interesting opinion piece about the obvious comparisons between the unlamented Senator Joe McCarthy and that blithering idiot Sarah Palin.

The most salient point for me? Wondering where the hell the Republicans are, and why they aren't disavowing this insipid woman as she essentially alienates every intellectually honest voter in the country.

Attention gutless Republicans: UR DOING IT RONG. Grow a fucking backbone, won't you? Or don't - I'm sure the Dems would love to have control of the White House and the legislative branch for the next 20 years.


Nathan said...

I'd have to go back and look for it, but (at least as regards the Death Panels), at least 3 Republicans have asked her to "quit making stuff up". I know one of them is an Alaska representative and I believe another is from the SouthEast...someone who is championing legislation to encourage Living Wills and end-of-life directives.

It's not all hopeless.

Now -- off to read your linked article.

neurondoc said...

Yah. I read that yesterday. It makes sense. I was definitely channeling the Palin = McCarthy equation when I wrote my "Scary Times" post the other day. And this post of yours goes along well with your post from yesterday. Stand up for what is right. And Death Panels are neither true nor right.

Janiece said...

Nathan, he did mention a couple of folks who were standing up.

I just don't get how the typical mouth pieces can let this shit go. If some liberal was making up "death panels" whole cloth, you just know Jon Stewart would be all over this like stink on shit.

Perhaps the trouble is that the Rush's and the Pat's of this world have no sense of humor.

Jerry Critter said...

"Wondering where the hell the Republicans are, and why they aren't disavowing this insipid woman as she essentially alienates every intellectually honest voter in the country"

This assumes that republicans are intellectually honest. I have yet to see any evidence of this.

Tania said...

Senator Murkowski called La Palin on her BS.

She consistently does. I have a few gripes with Lisa, but I think as a rather red state, we could do a lot worse than her.