The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama's 'death panel' so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their 'level of productivity in society,' whether they are worthy of health care... Such a system is downright evil.No, I didn't think so.
Can you imagine this dumbass with any significant amount of power? I simply can't express how happy it makes me that we've dodged THAT particular bullet. At least for now.
Every time she opens her mouth, the stupid falls out and stains the carpet. And her handlers have apparently been unable to convince her that the very best thing she can do for her future prospects is to SHUT THE FUCK UP.
What a 'tard.
Yeah, and she's not the only one spouting this shit, and spouting it to people who have no desire to actually read the section of the bill. It's like at a town hall meeting in Minnesota this week, when an elderly woman said she didn't want the government controlling her health care. She was asked if she was on Medicare - she was. Then it was gently pointed out to her that the government was already involved in her health care.
I'm pretty sure that Palin has a permanent position on the 'Tard of the...' list for the foreseeable future. You left out the fact that she quoted and held up as a paragon, Rep. Bachman in the same discussion.
Do I smell the 2012 ticket?
Uhh. How did she get to that conclusion? o.O
Nathan, the REAL problem with that ticket is that the Democrats would have to nominate Stalin and Hitler in order to lose.
C'mon, dude - I need some choice.
Oh God, Nathan, don't even pretend. My faith in our country isn't quite that high.
Hi, Hannah.
No doubt. Can you imagine if those two wackadoodles actually won?
On a lighter note, I now want to add "Obama's Death Panel" to my list of "Best Band Names Evah."
"Hellllllllo, Cleveland! We are Obama's Death Panel, and we are here. To. Rock. YOOOOOOOOU! CAN I HEAR SOME NOOOOOOOOISE?"
And we would rock. Oh yeah. Hey, Janiece, if you still played bass you could totally be in the band. :-P
ouch, ouch, ouch, it burrrrrrrns!
Nathan -
There's a reason my fiance and I are going to try and stay in his home of Australia. ;)
All very funny. Personally I like a train wreak such as this. If only prime-time was this entertaining.
Could Sarah Palin get any dumber?
Short answer: Yes
She proves this every time she opens her mouth.
Thordr-thanks for the visual, I always suspected a similar scenario when my brain assplodes from repeated exposure to these wackaloons!
Sarah Palin will provide me with blog fodder for a long, long time.
Megan, I think you Canadians should give us U.S. based bloggers some payback with a politician who is at least as ridiculous as S.P.
It's only fair.
"The stupid falls out and stains the carpet."
Definitely blog line of the week. You're on fire lately!
We have silly politicians, but this is a whole new type of crazy. I will think about whether I can get a blog post out of the weirder ones.
Well, it'll mean her book makes good sales. It should probably be stocked in the humor or Alternative History section.
As to asking if certain people could get dumber, I've always believed that humans have the potential to expand their abilities and skill sets to levels beyond what they felt was previously possible.
Janiece, if you rally need him, you can have our PM.Harper.
No really, you can have him.
While he may not be as batty as Palin, I do believe he is cut from the same cloth. Or mold. OR spawn.
Apparently, Palin has seen Soylent Green far too many times.
As an aside, how many times does she plan to pull out the "My baby has Downs Sydrome" card? For the love of god, enough already.
I for one cannot WAIT for the Death Panel. There are quite a few people that I will vote "thumbs down" on.
Oh, this is just a scare tactic? Shit, I was SO looking forward to it. Damn.
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