'Tard of the Week - Anna Falling

Thursday, August 13, 2009
Anna Falling is the Republican candidate for Mayor in Tulsa, OK.

Her platform? Christianity. And not the Christianity of well-informed, scientifically literate people of faith. No, her Christianity is the Christianity that blurs (or eliminates) the separation of church and state guaranteed by the establishment clause, and injects public life with such a singular dose of stupid that it brings our collective IQ down just by association.

Her number 1 issue of importance as a mayoral candidate for Tulsa? Putting a Christian creationism display in the Tulsa Zoo. No, I'm not making that up. Because really, what could possibly be more important than "recogniz[ing] the fact that God needs to be honored in this city." Additionally, she intends to appoint people who will "honor God. We will also look for people who want to characterize the origins of both man and animals in a way that honors Judeo-Christian science that proves God as the creator."

And there's plenty more where that came from - check out her blog (if you can stomach it, I mean). She doesn't have a law enforcement platform, or a human services platform - she has a scriptural platform. No, I'm still not making this up.

Because really, what's more American than disenfranchising huge swaths of your community by excluding them from the public debate due to their religious beliefs? THAT'S THE REAL AMERICA, BY GOD. THE AMERICA THAT ANNA, SARAH AND MICHELLE ARE FIGHTING FOR.

And a Creationist display in a zoo? Really? And what the fuck does "Judeo-Christian science" mean? Science is science, based on reality and the scientific method. Attempting to skew your results so they conform to your preconceived religious world-view isn't SCIENCE. It's RELIGION. As XKCD says, Science. It works, bitches. And the new Janiece corollary: Religion. It isn't science, bitches, although it may work for you.

Here's the thing. I know plenty of people who I consider to be scientifically literate and proponents of the Constitution, who are also people of considerable faith. People like Anna Falling embarrass them, just as I'm embarrassed by the fact that Sarah and Michelle and Anna are women. As I understand it, being a good Christian does not mean you have to be a proponent of theocracy, a Young Earth Creationist, or a person who excludes others from secular life based on their religious beliefs. You don't. So why is this freeze-dried wackaloon puking her exclusionary religious belief all over the public square? Because she's pandering to the lowest common denominator in our society, that's why.

And, of course, because she's an incredible 'tard.


Steve Buchheit said...

Best ironic political name EVAR!

Steve Buchheit said...

oo oo ooo
"As George Washington stated on Feb. 22, 1732, 'It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible'"

That's pretty good coming from a newborn! I mean,the language skills alone are apparently miraculous. But then, since G Washington was invented by Benjamin Franklin, I guess he could have spoke on the day he was "born."

And now this quote from Animal House.

"Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Habor? No!"


"Forget it, he's on a roll."

The Mechanicky Gal said...

When will teh Pantheon of 'Tards be established? Sort of an Uber-'Tard Hall o' Shame. There are some folks that just get on the list, and then NEVER LEAVE. They steal the 'Tard Spotlight from some other, well-deserving people.
Pat Buchanan
Sarah Palin
Michelle Whatshername
Ann Coulter

Just to name a few.

Janiece said...

Amy, when the blog hits its tenth anniversary, we shall institute your plan.

vince said...

Yes, people like this embarrass me. And make me angry when they spout things that they either do know or should know are false.

The whole "It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible" quote from Washington? He never said it. Never. It's not from his farewell address (where a lot of people claim it is) nor is it in any other writings where it is often claimed to be.

Nathan said...

I read about her this morning and I just knew what you'd be writing about today.


(Now when do I start getting paid to be so damned smart.)

Nathan said...

Oh, BTW, I just thought I'd point out that as Sir Isaac Newton said to Noah as he was helping load the ark, "Thou shalt put thine animals of greater mass on thy lower decks and thine animals of lesser mass on thy higher decks. So saith I in the event thou shalt avoid awkward capsizing and other dangers to seaworthiness. Also, thou shalt wear a hat when in the presence of the flying beasts as shyte falling from great elevations shall achieve terminal velocity and harm thine noggin."

This was quoted years earlier by Euclid who never did manage to correctly divine the height of a tree in spite of knowing his exact distance from its base.

Janiece said...

Vince, when I see things like this, I can just see you, John and Shawn rolling your eyes and shaking your heads. I guess every group has their cross to bear (no offensive pun intended), and this woman and her ilk are yours.

Nathan, me being predictable doesn't necessarily make you smart. Although I tend to think you are, your last comment notwithstanding.

The Mechanicky Gal said...

Now let's see if she actually gets elected.....

mom in northern said...

Where is the damn sack?