Boogie Blogging Friday (or the Anti-Shrill Effect)

Friday, September 25, 2009
Today I'm taking a cue from my celebrity boyfriend The Bad Astronomer. I've been feeling a bit shrill and stabby lately, and that simply won't do. For one thing, my job is fixing to get a lot more stressful, and I don't want to give myself high blood pressure from the combination of a high stress profession along with the the stress of pointing and laughing at the assheads and the wackadoodles. Who needs that crap? Not me.

So instead of ranting and raving, today you of the Incomparable Boogie™!

Nobody can relax like the Incomparable Boogie™. Here he is, wishing those loud-ass boys who play outside our front window would just pipe down. Can't they see he's trying to power nap?


MWT said...

Aww... fuzzy. :)