When we were visiting my Smart BIL and Hot SIL in Bawlmer last week, we were also visiting their dogs, Jynx and Loki.
This is Jynx. She's a bit willful, being a Jack Russell and all, and has a stiff legged way of prancing around the house that made me joke that she's secretly a member of Hitler's Youth. Which kind of goes along with the willfulness, in a way. Jynx, the jack-booted terrier.
This is Loki. He's still pretty young - just over a year. He's just the sweetest mutt, but he lacks...focus. For example, I was throwing his ball for him outside, and he was chasing it - until one of those white moths flew across his field of vision mid-stride. Then he followed the moth. Ooo! Look! Shiny!
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