'Tard of the Week - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Thursday, September 24, 2009
"[The Holocaust is a] lie and a mythical claim."

"Why should everyone be forced to accept the opinion of just a few on a historic event?"
Could this guy be a bigger douchebag? No, seriously - could he be a bigger dick?

From the link:
In the interview, he complained that the event is given too much prominence...
Because really, the horrifying deaths of 6 million innocent people should really just be a footnote in he history books. Don't you think?

Now I have to be honest, here - sometimes I look askance at the Israel leadership team when they make policy decisions regarding the Palestinians - just like I look askance at the Palestinians when they don't know how to act. You could say I believe in equal opportunity when it comes to accountability for bad behavior.

But this fucking guy...this fucking guy is beyond the pale. I actually wonder if he believes his own bullshit, or if he says such outrageous things in order to appeal to the wackier sectors of his constituency. Either way, I'm almost tempted to incur the wrath of my friend Karma and hope he dies in a fire. Almost.


Eric said...

'fraid this is nothing new. Ahmadinejad is and has been a notorious Holocaust denier. Oh, I mean he's a total douchebag, and this is one of the several many reasons why. I guess I'm just surprised that you're surprised, is all.

Sadly, he's not alone.

Janiece said...

Oh, I'm not surprised. But he's still a total douchebag, which bears repeating periodically.

Steve Buchheit said...

It's a 'tard-a-palooza lately.

Thordr said...

I think calling it the Holocaust, or especially the Jewish Holocaust is a misnomer, it was a Holocaust for more than 6 million Jews, it was a Holocaust for millions gypsies, gays, handicapped, freemason, poles, blacks and others, and a Holocaust for almost 24 million Russians. Of course none of that diminishes Ahmadinejad's tardness, I believe he is trying to appease the theocracy that stands behind his office.

WendyB_09 said...

What is it Jay Leno calls him?
Mahmoud Ahmanutjob!

I believe this is one of the reasons for that!

Eric said...

First of all, Thordr, Ahmadinejad doesn't believe that any Jews were systematically singled out, discriminated against, rounded up, and/or executed or allowed to die in labor or death camps during the Nazi regime. A question of whether the label "Holocaust" should be broadened to include non-Jews is moot in his case.

Secondly, the term "Holocaust" is traditionally a Jewish reference. It's possible that the focus on the Holocaust has, for some people, obscured the deaths of an additional five million non-Jews in the death camps, but it can't really be said that the word is a misnomer: it describes exactly what it was coined to describe, even if that isn't the entire story.

As often is the case, Wikipedia offers a useful starting point and survey of the discussion of nomenclature and debate over whether "Holocaust" should remain a specific term or be used generally. It can be found here. I regret that I'm too rusty now to point you to something more authoritative from either side right now, and beg your forgiveness; my own opinion is actually a bit up in the air, although I tend to use the term "Holocaust" primarily to refer to the Nazis' mass-murder of Jews (as opposed to using it to refer to their murder of non-Jews or the broader programs of discrimination and abuse against Jews and other minority groups).

Janiece said...

Thordr, I understand what you're trying to say, and you do make a good point. Sometimes the other groups that were targeted by the Nazi's (and Stalin) get short shrift from an historical perspective.

No matter which group you belonged to, being targeted by the Nazis would have been horrifying.

ntsc said...

My grandfather's brothers and sister were part of the group that smuggled some Danes out of Denmark. One of the great uncles didn't survive the experience.

My father was a GI working on a unit newspaper who was sent into one of the death camps after it was liberated to report.

It is not a subject I can discuss calmly, nor do I wish too.

When a local congregation sent Rabbi(s) to the Iraninan anti-Holocaust of a few years back as supporters, I personally hoped that some Conservative fellow religionists would make good on mutterings and torch the congregation's buildings, although cooler head prevailed.

ntsc said...

First sentence should read 'some fellow Danes'

Janiece said...

NTSC, no one should be able to discuss the subject without some emotional reaction.

And you should be proud that your family stood up. Never an easy thing to do, much less so when the stakes are so high.

Thordr said...

Thanks Janiece, that is exactly what I ment, I was not trying to diminish anyones heartache, just trying to remind us about a lot of forgotten people who went through the same horror.

Carol Elaine said...

He's not just a 'tard or douchebag - Immadinnerjacket (tm Stephen Colbert) is bugfuck crazy. Whether he believes his Holocaust denials or not (and I'm inclined to think that he does believe them), he still should be re-nicknamed "Immastraightjacket."

Ilya said...


I always thought he was a douchebag. Now, I'm awfully embarrassed, as well.

Janiece said...

Ilya, my friend Aylee linked me to that, as well, along with his fervent prayer that it wasn't true.

I find it highly....ironic.