The conservative crazies have been especially active this month, so we almost have a right-wing wackadoodle theme going on here. The candidates: Sarah Palin, whose revelation of the Obama death panels rocked the country, unless you could actually, you know, READ; Anna Falling, who is running for the Mayor of Tulsa, OK on a platform of getting a Creationist exhibit at the local zoo; the Fort Dix Terrorists, who recorded their intentions and then took the evidence to Circuit City for replication, counting on that renowned "geek/client privilege" to keep their secrets; and Michele Bachmann, that bastion of critical thought, who's convinced that the only way to defeat health care reform is to pray and fast.
What say you, Hot Chicks and Smart Men?
I voted for Palin (an involuntary shudder just went through me) but now I'm reconsidering. She DID expose the nasty little underbelly of our society. I mean, now we know who the REAL idiots are, right? Perhaps it was a public service. Hmmm.
It was difficult, but I went with Michele Bachmann.
Michele's latest? "What we have to do today is make a covenant, to slit our wrists, be blood brothers on this thing," said Bachmann.
Um, well, Michele, it's usually the palm one slits to make blood brothers, but if you want your wrists by all means go ahead. And remember, it's down the length of the arm, not across.
In your last post on her, Janiece you mentioned that maybe we should take her out of the running as it's too easy. I now say the opposite. Michele needs to be raised up at the epitome of conservative thought in this country (oh please, please get relected). We should be doing everything to put her in front. Build her up.
And then, she can become to the left what Nancy Pelosi is to the right. Yes, we should support her. Heck, I may even make a contribution.
Steve, I think we should all fast so that Michele will slit her wrists.
Oh, wait...
I went with the Ft. Dix Tards. The other three are actually becoming sorta cliched. The Ft. Dix Cretins were utterly original.
This one was a truly difficult decision. Any time Bachmann and Palin are coming up against each other in a competition of stupid it's tough to choose who has committed the greater brain atrocity.
Rick said "brain atrocity."
I had to go with Sarah Palin because, well, SARAH PALIN.
That woman makes my teeth ache.
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