I'm feeling a bit under the weather today. The Smart Boy brought home the creeping crud from college, and now I'm achy, tired, and I have a sore throat*.
I've decided to skip the elliptical today in an effort not to push my body when it so obviously needs some rest, but I won't be taking any sick time unless I start feeling really crappy. That's one of the dangers of working from home full time - since I don't actually have to leave the house in order to be productive, and the only people I'm going to infect with my nasty germs is those who would be infected anyway, I don't feel right "calling in sick." Stupid overdeveloped sense of responsibility. Thanks a lot, Hot Mom.
*The first one who suggests an alt-med therapy to alleviate my symptoms is getting a shovel to the head. I don't have the patience today to deal with logical fallacies, unsubstantiated claims and other forms of teh stoopid.
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No alt-med here, tried and true only!
Have some chicken soup. Homemade is best (stock pot, chicken, water, onion, carrots, celery, S&P to taste), but canned will do if it's all ya got on hand.
I'd send you some I've got in the freezed, but we don't have that food transporter working yet!
Feel better soon.
My mom always swears by..
No alt-med, huh?
*hides Vitamin C therapy behind back*
How about some miso soup?
I hope you feel better soon.
Alex, I don't know if I should welcome you or wield the shovel.
Since you've apparently bonked yourself on the head, I'll say "welcome."
The correct sound effect, BTW, is *TONG!*
Oh, sorry. You obviously use a heavier coal type shovel. I was thinking a lighter gauge that was full of satisfying dents.
Alex, we like the satisfying sound of the metal reverberating after the smack better than the dents.
I wish I could find a brand of organic chicken soup I really like. They either have wonky spices or taste watery. But - homemade is still the best.
Zach has it too, he's sucking down the nyquil. And, we do load up on Vit C/Emergen-C during cold season here, but I'm not suggesting it for you. ;)
Wait, chicken soup isn't alt-med? Next you'll be telling me Echinacea extract tea isn't either.
But in the end everything only either eases the symptoms, or at best cuts off a day or two of infection.
True enough. Stupid virus...
Huh, whenever i whack alt-med types with a shovel, it is more of a combination of a crack ad a squelch. And i never get any good reverb because the edge of the shovel being stuck in the skull dampens the vibration.
Have i been doing it wrong?
Yep. You don't hit them edge-on - you hit with the flat portion, thus resulting in that satisfying *TONG* sound.
I am not feeling quite the thing right now. Not sure if it is a severe case of sleep deprivation or something worse (chills, fatigue, aches). If it is the creeping crud, I will hit you with the shovel for sending it my way... ;-)
The FLAT of the blade? Hey, that'll save me places to hide the bodies!
OTOH, living witnesses...
Heh, sort of alt-med, but viewed rationally, hot tea with lemon and honey is often soothing when my throat feels like i have been gargling ground glass.
Probably does no good in the objective universe, but soothing nonetheless. At a guess just about any hot drink will help loosen phlegm, but probably due to pleasant associations with the friend who turned me on to this, it seems to work best for me.
(Does it count as alt-med bullshit when the person suggesting it is aware of the limitations of subjective experinece?)
**waiting to hear the lovely TONG! sound reverberating in my skull, just in case**
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