Hmm...crab cakes.
The house will not be empty, however. My Hot Mom and the Smart Boy will be in and out, keeping an eye on things and making sure all is well in the Big Yellow House. So if you're a criminal, don't even think about stopping by. Or you shall be greeted with 95 pounds of this:

Don't say I didn't warn you.
Mmmmm.... crab cakes. Have lots and lots of fun. Hope there's chocolate around.
::looks for the treats for the awesome Boogie before going on the chocolate hunt::
Boogie is happy to point out where the treats are, but as he tends to be suspicious of strangers, I really think I ought to go along. To pet Boogie and eat chocolate. :)
Boogie can haz teethbrush?
Nathan, Boogie will have his teeth cleaned the next time he goes in for some other procedure.
Cause, yeah - ew.
If you missed Bertha's Mussel's in Baltimore you have to come back. Immediately.
You were out in my neck of the woods. I reside in Frederick. It's a very nice city and about an hour from both Baltimore and DC.
Drop me a line the next time you come a visitin! (Wouldn't have been able to meet this run anyway, we were in PA this weekend showing our new 1 month old son off to his great grandparents!)
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